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Kamis, 16 Agustus 2018


Quantum Pay decentralized and computerized mechanisms banker who serves as the financial service platform. tool will be consistently used in block technology , Quantum Pay uses digital currency with small charge for investment, credit, finance, and banking,  The limits of their existing production base on the number of people who are not banks in the world, it also provides delivery of humanoid purse, expense to accounts, portable flows, operational purchases and transfer services. It’s currency for the distribution system to protects thousands of banks, pawnshops, payment collection points and to delivery around the world.

by Using QuantumPay, customers use application wallet, and this app will be launched for any as payments, airtime, payment of bills, hotel reservations, game credits and online purchases from a number of dealers who accept the Digital currency.

The first thing you need to do is wallet the app. Create your wallet within a few minutes of our application, minimum cash, and no monthly payments. The Quantum Pay application is a one place where you can put a marker qpay and ethereum for payment.
next updated version will add bitcoin and many digital currency.. Services such as shop, phone purchase, payment of bills, hotel reservations, game credits and sending money to any large bank or money transfer Center-all from our application Qpay.


Ease of use and convenience of transaction-the implementation of transactions without the need to synchronize with the blockchain and user-friendly interface. Market monitoring and signals-market check in the world market, sponsored by the continuous Digital market sites. Flexible price situations will never miss important market mechanisms.
Self-contained private keys, enhanced protected coded secret keys will accumulate in the local sandbox. It provides a variety of backup folder options to avoid losing or robbing assets.

Token distribution
  • 60%-donations to self-determination
  • 20%-development
  • 10%-Team
  • 5% Reward
  • 5%-Community
Here is a wallet that is compatible.
  • TRUST secure Wallet to WALLET-token Ethereum, ERC20 and ERC223
  • EIDOO asset blockchain Your experiences. Fast, easy, and not just Purses Multicurrency Exchange: it’s also Hybrid.
  • IMTOKEN-imToken is a light wallet mobile Ethereum, strives to provide a digital asset management tool that is simple, secure and powerful for users.
  • MYETHER DOMPET-MyEtherWallet (MEW) is the client-side interface is free, open source library for generating Ethereum & wallet more. Interact with the Ethereum blockchain easily.
Qpay is a ERC-20 token that will be used in the Quantum Pay application as a whole, but further updates will include ETH, BTC and other leading cryptocurrency on the digital market.  suitable implementation Real-time contracts and operating markets.
Features in the Pay room

Easy to use and convenient for transactions — perform transactions as long as it is not necessary to synchronize with blockchain and an easy interface
Key is not self-service, key enhancement non-public encrypted security will be stored constantly in the original secure enclosure structure. Provide multiple folders of backup options to prevent loss or theft of an asset.
Monitoring and market signals: examining the global market in statistics sponsored with continuous synchronization with digital market sites. A versatile list situation will not lack the necessary market configurations
Online or offline, QPAY applications will be accessed online and unevenly
Connected to the Web, QPAY SMS operators must manage customer transactions.

To contribute and Know the progress of this offer, you may visit some of the following Links:

Author : Ghaniindependen
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