Vidy telah menciptakan tak terlihat satu halaman pertama menanamkan lapisan untuk video, berjalan pada Ethereum blockchain. Vidy konstruksi sistem ledger yang mengukur berapa lama pengguna watches iklan terima kasih untuk menahan teknologi pelacakan pada lapisan embed nya. Vidy kemudian penghargaan penerbit dan pengguna sesuai untuk menekan iklan dengan VidyCoins, yang diambil sebagai sebagian kecil dari pembayaran VidyCoin yang terbuat dari pengiklan untuk penerbit untuk iklan video kesan. Dengan hanya memegang, pengguna dapat sekarang mengungkapkan kecil hiper-video yang relevan yang tersembunyi di balik teks dari halaman manapun di web, membuka dimensi baru ke internet. Ekosistem VIDY?
Penerbit / pengiklan Dashboard:
Penerbit dan pengiklan mendapatkan acccess ke dashboard yang mana mereka dapat mengelola kampanye mereka dan meng-upload video iklan mereka. Mereka dapat menyesuaikan hidup kampanye, lihat statistik pada setiap kampanye dan kinerja individu iklan video, dan melihat analyrics pada pengguna dan penerbit untuk mengevaluasi bagaimana mereka melakukan dan iterate copy dan kreatif sesuai.
Iklan video:
Edaran hiper-kecil video yang relevan yang pop up sambil menahan Vidylinks.
Lapisan aplikasi:
Lapisan aplikasi adalah distributor konsumen menghadap video iklan di seluruh web, dirumuskan dalam SDK yang dapat diinstal hanya dengan tekan dengan penerbit.
Website diindeks
Vidy indeks ratusan jutaan situs halaman dan mem-parsing bahasa alami pada layar untuk mencocokkan protokol NLP. Hal ini menjadi tersedia persediaan total untuk penempatan iklan kampanye iklan yang hidup.
NLP Protocol:
Vidy's iklan penempatan mekanisme adalah open source NLP protokol milik sendiri yang secara otomatis menempatkan iklan video pada skala besar ke dalam teks relevan hyper jutaan halaman penerbit.
Lapisan konsensus:
Lapisan konsensus menerima data pengguna informasi kinerja iklan dari lapisan data dan proses sebagai masukan dalam penempatan-skrip yang membentang. Hal ini dilakukan dalam hubungannya dengan mendekripsi kontrak cerdas yang diserahkan untuk data pengguna target aplikasi.
Lapisan data:
Lapisan data adalah dasar dari distribusi platform iklan Vidy, secara bersamaan berkomunikasi dengan lapisan konsensus aplikasi, dan transparan memelihara semua data yang masuk di ledger Vidy abadi. Lapisan data mempertahankan catatan semua menanamkan penempatan, tahan kali, VidyCoin pembayaran saldo VidyCoin mempertaruhkan, dan semua VidyCoin transaksi melalui lapisan aplikasi 's satu-tap pembelian modal. Menggunakan Vidy?
VidyCoin (VIDY) berasal manfaatnya dalam 3 cara utama. Anda mendapatkan VIDY setiap kali Anda menekan iklan, Anda menggunakan VIDY untuk melakukan pembelian di satu ketuk pada iklan, dan VIDY diperlukan untuk saham sebagai bahan bakar untuk semua kampanye iklan pada platform. Vidy distribusi?
Penjualan pribadi [selesai]
Tanggal [1 Mei - Juni 15]
Token per ETH > 59,780
Token harga < 0.00001673 ETH
Token per ETH 59,780 Token Harga: 0.00001673 ETH
Bukti oleh ETH 44,861
Token Harga: ETH 0.00002229
Peta jalan?
Q1 2018
Membangun infrastruktur 2017
Mengumpulkan tim penasihat
Menyelesaikan produk demo
Mempersiapkan ICO
Q2 2018
Melakukan Vidy ICO
Beta peluncuran platform
Pilot dengan penerbit
Memperbaiki platform iklan
Q3 2018
Memperluas situs diindeks
Mengungkap OTP dalam produksi
Rilis kontrol dashboard
Mengintegrasikan blockchain potongan
Kuartal 2018
Meluncurkan 10 web kait
Tumbuh database Vidys
Memperoleh 100 atas pengiklan
Peluncuran pengguna data kontainer
Q1 2019
Peluncuran V1 platform
Halaman penerbit indeks 1 juta
Rilis penuh dasbor
Menyelesaikan NLP konsensus lapisan
Q2 2019
Mengungkap V1 blockchain
Peluncuran protokol berbasis Miner
Halaman penerbit indeks 10 juta
Memperluas semua properti web
Tim Vidy?
Cerita Vidy dimulai di Harvard, mana Patrick Colangelo mendirikan perusahaan di kamar asramanya. Hari ini, Vidy menawarkan sebuah tim teknik kelas dunia yang berbasis di San Francisco dengan anggota tim yang sebelumnya telah menjual perusahaan mereka sendiri, mahal 10s jutaan pengguna, multi-juta dolar Invensi paten, dan telah menikmati puluhan tahun keberhasilan dalam dunia pengembangan perangkat lunak.
Cewnote is a decentralized news platform using the blockchain technology and created on the Ethereum block chain. The use of Blockchain technology allows the decentralize platform to Cewnote, make it more secure and reliable for customers. The development team is going to use sophisticated algorithms that allow the use of Cewnote tokens to decentralize and revoljucionizacii the news industry. Cewnote wants to integrate blockchain technology into online news/industry news to decentralize this industry around the world. After all, existing services differ a lot of bugs and problems.
The decentralized news platform is supported by incentives for people to create, analyze and read news.
Cewnote allows writers to create news content, which will be considered for the presence of a credible, interesting community of facts. All parties that publish these articles receive remuneration for state and corporate interests. Developers are focused on creating a platform that will be considered really authoritative in the news segment-No yellow press or unverified news, exceptionally high-quality content. Only when the relevant content is published, its authors will be able to expect to receive a certain reward.
Why Cewnote?
Competitive Advantage
Cewnote has a unique opportunity to produce news that we have never seen before.
BLOCKCHAIN Infrastructure
Integrate blockchain technology to create high-quality algorithms and protect resources.
Simple token integration
Get paid for publishing interesting and important content.
A global and secure system
Developers of this unique platform do not need personal information, all clients will have anonymous access all over the world. Payment is made in the token cewnote.
To protect your privacy in cewnote, you do not need to share your personal information, you can create an account without providing an important contactable. Accounts can be configured easily, quickly, and anonymously. Once set up, your account will have a category status of F. However, you can achieve a higher status by writing articles and receiving votes. The rating system allows to allocate really talented authors, thus excluding unnecessary content.
All users will be part of a global community in which all publications can be tracked. Your biography contains short content about you.
Cewnote users can also subscribe to your account and monitor your upcoming work. This is a great opportunity to always keep your subscribers informed of news.
Cewnote APP
The Cewnote mobile app will be available to iOS and Android users. The application will make the process of news distribution convenient and practical. Journalists, writers and participants will be able to post content, as well as receive notifications about new publications. All transactions on the platform are executed using a token (CEW).
Advantages of the Cewnote platform
Cewnote generates news in a fantastic way, which is quite different from the news of the traditional industry and media.
Exceptionally accurate information
Blockchain technology allows you to get reliable information compared to what we have in the traditional news industry.
Monetization efforts
Writers and journalists are rewarded for contributing to the community.
Secure payment and Exchange
No need for personal information. Cewnote more concerned about the privacy of their writers and contributors. They will be able to create an anonymous user account. All forms of remuneration or payment on the platform are performed using Cewnote tokens.
Participants can influence their rating
Platform clients can get a new rating by publishing interesting content. There is no way to adjust the profile fraudulently, platform developers have provided this aspect, community members will evaluate the publications, thus improving the rating of the author. All participants of the platform will be able to subscribe to the most interesting authors.
CEW Distributions will be in different formats which is given below.
Dealjoy-adalah global platform cashback, tujuan utama yang adalah kerahasiaan. Proyek ini ditujukan untuk Internet-pembeli. Hari ini, industri belanja online global memerlukan platform cashback pribadi yang kuat untuk menawarkan harga kompetitif tunai untuk penonton tanpa mengorbankan privasi pengguna. Teknologi pesat berkembang saat ini. Sudah ada micropayments global dan anonim, yang menjadi mungkin karena pengembangan dan pelaksanaan cryptocurrency. Berkat teknologi blockchain dan token ERC-20 standar disebut kesepakatan, Cashback akan digunakan secara pribadi, secara global dan seketika. Pembayaran instan anonim dan kesempatan bagi pelanggan untuk tetap benar-benar rahasia, Semua ini mewakili sebuah standar baru dalam industri mitra.
Platform yang ada menggunakan transfer bank, cek kertas dan prosesor pembayaran online seperti PayPal untuk membayar pelanggan mereka. Metode pembayaran ini tidak pribadi, dan mencakup berbagai biaya seperti menurunkan cashback komisi dan menyerang privasi pengguna.
Masalah lain, dari pengguna sudut pandang, adalah penundaan antara pembelian barang dan penerimaan komisi. Platform yang ada dapat mengambil hingga tiga bulan untuk menerima uang sebenarnya kembali. Itu adalah menunggu lama, dan jauh Dari ideal untuk klien. Hari ini konsumen ingin pembayaran lebih cepat, lebih mudah cashback platform dan metode pembayaran modern.
Transaksi Dealjoy dibayar hampir seketika dan tanpa batas minimum. Pengguna dapat menarik token kesepakatan mereka diterima ke dompet mereka setiap saat. Karena blockchain berbasis ekosistem, tidak ada informasi pribadi yang dapat diidentifikasi secara pribadi diperlukan dari user. Perlindungan data pribadi adalah prioritas utama bagi pengembang.
Proyek akan menawarkan sebuah semua-dalam-satu toolbar untuk mengeksplorasi dan menemukan yang terbaik dan paling menarik cashback menawarkan. Dealjoy dapat didownload melalui app untuk Android dan IOS. Semua pembelian yang dilakukan oleh pengguna akan secara otomatis dan Komisi akan dibayar dalam tanda-tanda kesepakatan.
Afiliasi komisi akan dibayar hanya untuk mereka pesanan yang tidak dikembalikan kepada Penjual untuk kerusakan pada pengiriman, dll. Waktu bagi mitra untuk menyetujui dan membayar komisi ini empat minggu dari tanggal pembelian. Dealjoy akan mampu mengidentifikasi pembelian yang memenuhi syarat untuk pembayaran segera setelah transaksi.
Tim juga menciptakan pendekatan alternatif untuk pengguna yang ingin menerima uang tunai segera setelah pembelian. Solusi disebut Dealjoy Plus.
Dealjoy Plus adalah solusi baru untuk menarik anggota baru dan menyediakan mereka dengan manfaat yang signifikan. Keanggotaan Premium memiliki tiga keuntungan utama: tingkat lebih tinggi uang kembali, cashback instan pada semua perintah dan akses ke dealfeed premium Penawaran. Cepat uang untuk Dealjoy Plus anggota dimungkinkan karena bertaruh yang dibuat oleh pengguna dengan kesepakatan. Ketika kembali item, Token dibayar akan secara otomatis dipotong dari saldo pengguna. Jika pengguna telah ditarik atau menggunakan semua tanda-tanda mereka, Token akan dipotong dari janji keanggotaan.
Dealjoy akan mengadakan maksimum 20% dari pendapatan dari mitra jaringan untuk membayar untuk bisnis umum dengan biaya platform, serta untuk jangka panjang pemasaran, pengembangan dan pembakaran Token. Sisanya setidaknya 80% dari dana yang dibeli akan dibayarkan kepada pengguna untuk pembelian mereka diterima. Sebagai pembayaran kepada para peserta yang dibuat dalam tanda-tanda kesepakatan, Dealjoy terus-menerus akan membeli token dari pertukaran eksternal.
Meritt is an open protocol for self-service creation and maintenance of peer-to Blockchain financial contracts. A unique decentralized platform, which today will be really in demand and popular. After all, intellectual contracts are the real guarantee of high-quality execution of transactions. The Meritt project is ideal for decentralized fundraising, token financing and more. An open protocol for the formation of a chain and performance of peer financial contracts In this case, we can consider a simple algorithm of using the Meritt platform:
Setting the objectives for the new contract. The Meritt financial contract complies with the ERC20 standard, which establishes the basis for token transfer and separation. The transfer may be restricted by a closed group of users and temporarily suspended?? (The token can be frozen).
Dynamic Payment channel. Any payments from the issuer of the contract tokens (for example, payment of dividends by the company) to the member pool are automatically transferred to the corresponding purse where the issued token is stored. The distribution takes into account the proportional distribution of the underlying asset.
Voting and bilateral communication. The voting mechanism may be public and the votes are transferred directly to the evaluation contract. Alternatively, the votes may be private, and only the hash is presented in the contract to ensure the authenticity of the vote.
Bi-directional information channel: the issuer of contract tokens can send messages through a smart contract to all participants to comply with information obligations. Participants can send messages to the issuer when a contract is required.
Easy to create contracts and implement them. Through the network of Merit network Dapp, the company, seeking means, creates and issues a financial contract corresponding to the Gaucherie agreement token and is placed in a special contract for distribution, which automatically sends the contract token upon receipt of payment From the participants (like a vending machine).
Database for storing created contracts. Participants and observers may request Meritt registers to obtain data on the existence of Meritt contracts (to the extent that they are publicly available), as well as data on events related to each of the contracts.
Datastore Framework. Allows users of Meritt to manage and provide identity and other personal information in a self-regular environment and to provide limited access to their data. The data itself can be hosted independently or stored in a distributed data store.
Several important features of the project It is worth highlighting the factors that can attract the attention of platform participants: For the simple implementation and settlement of various financial contracts for Ethereum Blockchain
Agnostic Asset Class protocol
Financial contracts Meritt can be securities, loans, bonds, utilities, property or tokens for donations. For each issued financial contract, a specific ERC20 contract token is created.Key terms committed and settled on the blockchain Transparency and confidence in the future execution of key terms and audits on immutable distributed books. Secured issuance and unproblematic servicing of financial contracts through intellectual contracts.
An ID of the Sovereign identity card and secured property right Participants have full control and ownership of their encrypted personal data and identification data and may disclose information about zero knowledge.
Decentralized and free, without commission Meritt, without intermediaries Decentralized blockchain architecture. Only the gas costs were incurred. Perform financing in a real peer
Meritt The creators of this unique decentralized platform are ready to give their clients the opportunity to enter into profitable, high-quality, safe transactions. Any intellectual contracts are the perfect guarantee of fulfillment of all conditions of cooperation. In this case, all the participants of the transaction get reliable protection against any fraudulent schemes. In this case, all transactions are executed very quickly.
CINDX - Kesempatan Untuk Memulai Kegiatan Investasi Hanya Dalam Beberapa Menit
CINDX – volume perdagangan di Bursa cryptocurrency tumbuh tahun ke tahun, hal ini difasilitasi oleh konstan masuknya pendatang baru ke pasar. Setiap hari pasar ini menjadi lebih dan lebih kaku, karena kedatangan pedagang profesional, perspektif kemungkinan kurang. Dalam kondisi seperti itu sejumlah alat dapat datang untuk membantu pemula, misalnya, asisten virtual, membeli sinyal, telaah independen esensi dari pasar, strategi perdagangan. Proyek CINDX menawarkan pilihan yang berbeda, yang dapat jauh lebih menguntungkan, dan jauh lebih murah dalam waktu. Kita akan bicara tentang hal ini lebih lanjut.
Apakah Cindx
Cindx adalah sebuah sistem di mana seorang investor kripto dapat memilih seorang trader untuk mengelola aset dan dengan demikian mendapatkan hampir secara pasif. Anda dapat mengatakan bahwa ini adalah hanya sebuah kepercayaan manajemen, pada kenyataannya, tapi ada banyak nuansa, menguntungkan membedakan ekosistem dari kontrol konvensional.
Bagaimana sistem bekerja
pertama-tama, investor memilih seorang trader yang sesuai dari daftar berbagai portofolio dalam sistem. Profil dari setiap trader menunjukkan sejarah transaksi, profitabilitas untuk periode satu atau lain, misalnya, tahun, instrumen yang diperdagangkan oleh dia, serta jumlah investor.
mekanisme API yang memungkinkan pedagang untuk perdagangan aset investor tanpa akses sebenarnya mulai berlaku. Ini adalah titik yang sangat penting, pada dasarnya kunci sistem. Pedagang mengamati semua arus transaksi pada investor, volume transaksi ini, memiliki kesempatan untuk menerapkan setiap strategi perdagangan, untuk mengatur order stop-loss dan take-profit-bahwa adalah untuk terlibat dalam kegiatan perdagangan biasa dengan semua kemungkinan-kemungkinan.
akhirnya, pedagang menerima / biaya dalam hal peningkatan aset investor.
Prototipe sistem yang sudah ada dan dapat ditemukan di sini.
Platform ekosistem
Cindx memiliki struktur yang cukup luas, yang mencakup modul berikut:
Cindx. Perdagangan: Terminal perdagangan dengan fungsionalitas luas;
Cindx. Market: Pasar untuk penjualan produk investasi siap pakai paket (misalnya, paket token "menguntungkan +");
Cindx. Bicara platform untuk mempublikasikan konten Anda dan mendapatkan imbalan untuk itu.
Cindx. Hub: Lingkungan pengembang, misalnya, otomatis strategi perdagangan, dengan kemampuan untuk menjual solusi ini;
Cindx. DAO: Sebuah sistem untuk masala pemungutan suara peserta platform.
Sistem dijelaskan secara lebih rinci dalam WP.
Keuntungan dari sistem
Komisi hanya jika berhasil perdagangan;
kemampuan untuk memilih manager terbaik;
Hanya investor memiliki akses ke aset;
An ketiadaan tersembunyi komisi;
nyaman antarmuka pada dasar;
Kesempatan untuk memulai kegiatan investasi hanya dalam beberapa menit.
Token dijual
Token nama: Cinx;
Soft-cap: 6 juta USD
Keras-cap: 30 juta USD
Token Harga: 1 ECT = USD 0,12
Presale dimulai di lebih dari 1 bulan.
Untuk berpartisipasi dalam penjualan pergi ke link.
Proyek di jaringan sosial
Peserta Telegram-Chat hampir 3 000. Jumlah pengikut pada Twitter account adalah sekitar tahun 1900, pada halaman Facebook dengan sekitar 850 pelanggan. Pasar cryptocurrency memungkinkan setiap orang untuk mendapatkan uang besar, bahkan besar. Tetapi dengan seperti peluang, ia menyembunyikan juga cukup besar risiko. Jika Anda seorang pemula atau tidak ingin menghabiskan banyak waktu untuk menganalisis situasi pasar, ini akan menjadi jauh lebih menguntungkan untuk menjadi anggota sistem CINDX dan mengamati pertumbuhan aset Anda. Hal ini tidak bebas risiko investasi, tetapi manajer profesional dengan CV yang baik dapat menunjukkan hasil yang lebih baik daripada seorang pemula, atau pedagang yang tidak berpengalaman. INFORMASI RINCI: Web: WhitePaper: ANN: Twitter: Facebook: LinkedIn: Telegram:
It is the world’s first leasing platform built on a decentralized network on which AI operates. The main goal of the current project is to launch an extremely innovative platform agentmile and ESTATE. The website has conditions that you can see that explain tokens and how you can buy them. The document on the website is ideal for those who can use them when buying tokens. This gives you a deep understanding that gives you a complete disclosure of the token information.
AgentMile aims to transform this $3385 trillion industry by introducing the first decentralized CRE leasing platform powered by artificial intelligence (AI). We have identified a combination of robust software features underpinned by blockchain technology as being the most efficient solution to the challenges faced by the industry:
Smart and efficient property search via a blockchain multiple listing service (MLS);
Digital identities of people and properties on the blockchain to facilitate due diligence checks;
Smart Contracts to simplify property/cash flow management and reduce transaction dependency;
Industry benchmarks and data open for all, yet incorruptible and not subject to commoditization;
AI for better decision-making;
Immutable reviews, ratings and much more.
How does the Agentmile leasing platform work?
Anyone can buy tokens, but they’re risky. They make the website very clear that everyone who buys tokens must first take all the risks involved in investing in such an unstable industry. They have the full right to refuse protection against any possible negative consequences that may occur.
The documents also describe in detail those who are not really a citizen of the United States, because there may be problems that may cause some very serious problems for the company and anyone who invests in principle, If you are not a citizen of the country or do not hold a green card, then you have nothing to do, even trying to invest in Agentmile because, according to the website, it is a legitimate company that monitors all the necessary standards or procedures, Rules and regulations.
These tokens are only available to citizens outside the United States. It’s not 100% for sure, but very likely. Agentmile There is a very high probability that these tokens will never be ready for the public in the United States. The reason why the token is likely to be unavailable in the United States is due to securities and exchange commissions, as well as to many other government regulators that do not insulate tokens.
The reason they are not accepted is due to the bad levels associated with the tokens. Indeed, tokens are not very secure according to the website, and the amount of emphasis they put on the awareness of risks also makes me think that it is a very dangerous company that invests in general.
Agentmile ESTATE Token ICO.
As for the token amount, there are currently 100 000 000 token shares in circulation. At the total token price of 0.20 USD per token. The pre-Sales ICO bonus is about 50% and the hard cap for the platform is about 20 million. You can easily see all the fully disclosed information on the company’s
Who is behind Agentmile?
According to the Web site, the team behind the symbolism and the company is located in Estonia and Hong Kong. They currently serve more than 20 countries on five continents. Thanks to the use of blockchain technology they move at a speed much faster than they predicted.
Agentmile output
Agentmile In appearance, the company, for the most part, looks incredibly good together. Of course, before you go and invest in them a large amount of money is best to pay attention to how things fall into place over the next two months.
Trabet Coin is a unique decentralized, self-regulated, peer-to-peer digital currency basically for trading and betting managed by a team of Financial and Betting experts. There will be total supply of 21 million coins: 7.5 million coins pre-mined: 1.5 million coins for Pre-ICO, 4.5 million coins for ICO and 1.5 million coins for bounty and air drop bonuses. Earn a referral bonus of 10% on affiliates’ purchase during the Pre-ICO and ICO stages in either Ethereum or Trabet coins. WHY TRABET COIN
Trabet Coin, coined from the words: trading and betting will be a unique and genuine trading and betting platform with other streams of legitimate income for its investors such as the Casino, Lottery and Video game platforms.
Trabet Coin is projected to have high utility value in the nearest future because of its unique sustainable features.
Our tested trading/arbitrage bot will generate real time profit for our investors transparently. Check the white paper for details.
Our unique cryptocurrency exchange platform will avail our investors opportunities to enjoy zero trading fees, profit sharing and at least ×5 margin trading. This exchange platform will be safe and super-fast in matching millions of trade orders in quickest time possible!
Trabet Coin is originally for trading and betting but will encourage LOANING; initially, for the first 1,000 interested investors to earn higher daily returns for agreed locked-in-period. Other interested investors will also be able to lend their coins as the community grows stronger and the value of the coin increases.
The LOANING program is projected to earn our investors an estimated 40-45% ROI monthly.
UniDAG-Revolution In The Decentralized Network, Storage And Protection Of Data.
Freedom generally have the ability to act or change without constraints. It is free if it can change the situation easily and are not restricted in the case right now. In philosophy and religion, this is related to have free will and without undue barriers or unfair or slavery and is an idea that is closely related to the concept of freedom. A person has the freedom to do things that are not, in theory or in practice, can be prevented by other forces. Outside the world of man, freedom in general do not have political or psychological dimension. Therefore we assign one main purpose to provide an alternative where no earlier and give the right of choice to those who can only memimpikannya.
UniDAG is a project developed and supported by individual, different communities, commercial enterprises and Government agencies. This is based on the symbiosis of the principles of freedom, openness, and the development of new technologies. The main objective of this project is the qualitative progress, improve people's lives in many directions, UniDAG Consortium is an Association of independent commercial companies around the world, whose work is focused on the development and support project UniDAG,
Why UniDAG?
Dagchain Technology
Revolution in data protection, storage and network decentralization. Blockchain + DAG ... What can be better?
Decentralized structure
Freedom. Openness. Officiality. Commercial and non-profit organizations, groups and individuals are invited to take part in the project
Open Source Economy
Join to the UniDAG ecosystem or build own yourself with our help and open source tools. The choice is only yours
The purpose of selanjunya of the UniDAG project is the realization of the idea of publicity and transparency of human life as far as legal and moral norms of society allowed it. A world where the community itself was the main auditor has the freedom to which we aspire.
We want to ensure that the public register is becoming common practice and that they can be accessed by everyone.
We want to provide an alternative to closed systems, where the guarantor is a person, not a country.
We would like to point out that morality and the law is easier to be observed in a world where everything is clear and understandable.
We want to make it so that the observance of human rights has become a useful a priori and not imposed from outside.
UniDAG allows you to create innovative ecosystem that supports transactions that are accelerated with zero commissions, smart contracts, accessibility for ordinary users, protection from malicious attacks. Development priority is to improve scalability with the original belief evidence consensus Protocol. Solutions that can solve the UniDAG assumes the new distributed registry architecture eliminates the major scalability issue: the slow transaction speed and growth Commission, the complexity of programming contracts, security, intellectual in the contract, intellectual ketidakfleksibelan in managing and updating protocols, lack of usability.
DAGchain is a series of sequential blocks of continuous data, constructed in accordance with the rules of the asiklik graph is directed. The main function of DAGCHAIN is to maintain and protect the data in a form that does not change. Dagchain is built using a set of frameworks and libraries that can be used separately and in various combinations with each other.
Dagchain feature UniDAG
Ribs (Connection)
When building the dagchain, just the same number of connections being used.
Hashing algorithm of independence significantly expands the scope of application.
GABROTECH is a Decentralized Blockchain Platform where they are solving the difficulties of Loyalty Rewards Program Market. On an average each household enrols around 25 Loyalty Program Operators(LPO). In Loyalty Program Market, customers are frustrated because they do not have enough points to redeem the goods they want, and these points will get expire after some time which become worthless. On the other side, Loyalty Program Operators making difficult for members to transfer points between one another and setting up barriers of ‘Blockout Dates’ – where travel rewards and other discounts are not available.
So, GABROTECH is come up with their decentralized platform to eliminate these inefficiencies by enabling users can manage their accounts to easily track and verify the number of tokens being traded or used.
Features of the GABROTECH project
This gives you the ability to manage a huge number of different loyalty programs and rewards. GABROTECH customers can receive serious bonuses – these are the most advanced security features that help protect transactions in several ways: biometric, face recognition, password access and pattern recognition. UTILITY GABRO TOKEN
It is necessary to get Gabro to be able to use all the features of a decentralized system. For traders it serves as a payment mechanism. For users, it serves to unlock special discounts and exchange reward items or merchant tokens. They perform different roles for both sides. GABRO PAYABLE CARD
Replenish your spare rewards to spend on assets in more than 200 countries with 60 million outlets. Gabro seeks to achieve this through a partnership with the world’s leading provider of payment services, which will be announced in the future. MULTIMETALIZED ENGINE OF TRANSFORMATION
MCCE is a protocol system that uses our liquidity pool. Our platform quickly converts any supported blockchain object to the appropriate fiat currency at a market value in real time. This allows customers to quickly exchange the Crypto currency, abandoning the services of centralized services and intermediary organizations.
For sellers, the analytical platform Gabo’s O2O provides information about the trends and preferences of customers, while the execution platform provides personalized digital channels that allow the issuance of branded markers of merchants. Relevant proposals can be aimed at a platform based on past transactions with Gabro and the trader. CENTRAL LOYALTY
This is a reward platform for loyalty, which allows users to convert idle points from one brand or program to replenish another. In addition to paying off rewards, consumers can exchange Gabro for an offer from other traders. Maps that will be available to GABROTECH users PREMIUM CARD GABRO
To get a premium Gabro card, the user must store 5000 GBO in his digital Gabro wallet. A limited number of such cards will be issued.
Holders of Alliance Premium cards will also receive a reward of 0.5% GBO in return, which can be redeemed or converted into other currencies or air miles. Insurance from purchases and travel will be offered up to 100 000 US dollars.
To get a standard Gabro card, the user must have 2,000 GBO in his digital Gabro wallet. Limited delivery.
Holders of Alliance Standard cards will also receive a reward of 0.1% GBO in return, which can be redeemed or converted into other currencies or miles to water. Insurance from purchases and travel will be offered up to 100 000 US dollars.
Token Matrix
Token – GBO
Total Token Supply – 1,000,000,000 GBO
Token Price – 1ETH = 5000 GBO
Accepting Currency – Ethereum (ETH)
Hard Cap – $50M USD
Token Sale – 31st July to 31st Aug 2018
We at Gabro are passionate about blockchain technologies and believe our solutions will provide our users the best experience and allow them to manage digital assets at their fingertips: Gabro wallet offers instant switching between crypto and fiat currencies Easily manage an array of different loyalty programs and reward points Options to use idle points from one program to top up another to redeem a full flight Cutting edge security keep all digital assets safe Gabro Card to spend assets in over 200 countries with 60 million outlets GBO as the fuel and reward currency of the network With our GBO Token Sale, you would have the opportunity to participate in our long term growth and embark on a journey to disrupt the loyalty reward industry!
The project was created and generated for the solution. Millions of projects have ever been present in this changing color life. Nothing and nothing for a better solution than ever, this session is about the practical and economic expansion of the economy.
As always, the energy and charm of the latest projects. His name is also new, of course, everything is still smooth and rigidly connected with the latest technologies. In this gorgeous new bit Bose project, he comes up offering news of good luck to those who want to join him.
It is necessary to know that bitbose with its platform is present to create a complete decentralized banking solution. Its existence will not only break the normal banking structure, but also provide some investment opportunities based on BLOHINSKOJ technology around Ethereum.
Thus, Bitbose is a great and promising project. Especially if this is due to a token issue. What greatness of this project is to have its own token, known as BOSE or Tokenbose. This is the utility token and the base currency of the Bitbose platform based on ERC20. Sisitem transactions are not only cepan and transparent, and the Ethereum peer to peer chain can have a very minimal niazu.
Features of the investment platform described
Unlike traditional technologies, as well as alternative options offered by other authors, the use of the investment platform “Bitbose” will have the following advantages for its participants:
It is planned to implement the program of intellectual investment portfolio management. It will consist of several reliable assets. They will provide their owners with permanent stable passive income;
Within the framework of the platform, it will be possible to invest cryptocurrency so that users host their assets in the “Bitbose” platform can receive remuneration in the form of funds in the selected national currency. This way, the system members can provide real income without spending their own crypto assets. Within the framework of the program, participants will be able to borrow and borrow money with instant approval of loans and transfers of the necessary sums, and the received credit funds will be transferred to the borrower’s bank accounts in the chosen national currency. Interest rates for the use of credit funds are planned to be lower than in ordinary banks. Those who have provided loans will not be able to claim their funds back earlier than the contract provides, which protects the interests of borrowers;
Within the framework of the “Bitbose” platform, it is planned to launch its own “BOSE” tokens, which will serve as an internal monetary unit and a means of calculation between the participants. To confirm transactions within the system will be used crypto mining, paid in BOSE. The more users bitbose will participate in mining, the safer transactions will be within the system;
The team of the project has developed a unique and maximum reliable purse, which will store the tokens “BOSE”. Its creation uses innovative technologies that completely exclude the possibility of external interference and theft.
Description of the token and ISO parts
The “BOSE” token is an intellectual and transparent user cryptocurrency, which will be used to obtain and issue credits in Kriptoaktivah and traditional Fiat funds. In addition, it is also used for portfolio investment and as a means of payment for mining services. The token will function on the basis of the blockchain standard ERC-20 Ethereum, which will provide the necessary processing speed and transaction security. A team of specialists is working on the platform and Token development, which includes professional Software developers in the field of the blockchain, financial specialists, exchange traders and experts in various fields. The issued token, in addition to the above-mentioned areas of application, can be used for the purchase of other goods and services on the platform “Bitbose”. All owners of the BOSE payment instrument will be able to receive passive profit. It is planned to emit a limited number of tokens in the amount of 300 million pieces. Of these, 210 million are exposed in the open sale. Payment at the time of purchase within the ICO is cryptocurrencies “bitcoin” and “ether”. Tokens can then be purchased and sold at various cryptocurrency exchanges in free circulation. As part of the initial placement, it is planned to collect a minimum amount of money to implement the project in the amount of $5 million. Hardkap ICO is 45 million dollars.
Bitbose is the next development in the field of cryptocurrency and blockchain, which tries to bring new into the sphere of exchange trade. A full realization of the platform will allow to carry out operations on crediting and investment freely. However, it is not necessary to talk about the uniqueness of bitbose authors ‘ idea, as there are many similar projects with the same possibilities.
Optin is a platform or ecosystem that connects advertisers and users
The OPTin network is a platform or ecosystem that connects advertisers and users. The first one is provided with qualitative data anonymous users. The latter, providing such data, receive remuneration for them. Already, the OPTin Network the whole ecosystem has about half a million users and 20 partner sites. At this stage there's convertion of income users to Optin-official coin project. The aim of the network of the OPTin.
The OPTin Network platforms intended for brands, publishers, and marketers who need accurate information, high-quality, and reliable from the user. This page of the site can be visited, the page scroll, mouse gestures and smart map. Users also benefit from participating in the platform. They get what they are looking for and not exposed to spam and unnecessary content. What is OPTIN Coins?
Optin Coins are the currency that unites everyone and everything on the platform. Thanks to blockchain technology, OPTin coin coins will be used to buy ad spots, as well as to encourage the user to data provided.
The benefits of Network Optin
create systems where advertisers get access to quality data before spending a dollar.
guaranteed Data anonymous and only collected on users who have approved or participated.
create a decentralized system in which the user and payment authority to work separately from other stakeholders.
Large user base: through its subsidiaries, DGM has nearly 500,000 users who collect OPT, provide insights, and data is included. These users have been converted to Optin Coins by March 2018. DGM has 20 + partner websites and we are in the process of converting the currency payment to Optin. The use of the current network of 30 million OPT ($ 3 mm) and is growing 50% per year.
Global site quality metrics: blockchain private Systems provide accurate and quality score free at millions of sites through data anonymous DAPP. By being the first company to offer engagement, conversion, and attention data, a new site with the high-quality reader will be able to obtain the advertising deals that were previously reserved for the largest publisher. MOAT, acquired by Oracle for $ were big, built on the kind of data ownership.
Direct link to the overall Advertising Ecosystem: OPTin Network the advertiser to the Publisher's direct line is not enough. Big advertisers need data such as frequency, demographics, sales history, brand preference, and many others before buying. With the integration of open flame, we intend to create a dynamic market begins with planning and media purchase our own media tools, all based on the technology of blockchain. Ad spending in DGM and partners can reach $10 million in 2018, increased to $150 million in the year 2020, which is still very small compared to the ad industry $ XXB.
The Division of Data User-preferences and ad serving: DAPP on computer users protect users from unwanted advertising using user .txt, and users can share or not share data on the level of detail.
Better Payment terms: ads purchased through token Optin and distributed direct 95% to publishers within hours of delivery of the final campaign, limited only by the network latency ETH.
Cost savings: by eliminating the cost of DSP and CNS, the advertiser is estimated to save around 50%, which means a saving of $11.4 B.
Increased Data Security: no collection of PII and even anonymous data is only collected from users that are excluded, so delete 90% of the data security needs. In addition, access read/write of datacubeLite controlled by the technology of smart contracts. THE DOGOOD MEDIA GROUP
OPTin Network - DoGood Media, set up in 2014, is a registered company of Delaware who specializes in advertising and market research. DoGood Media Growing Media portfolio of brands to pair High along with the ownership of the Viewers product Suite to dramatically reduce the cost and complexity while encouraging profits for publishers, performance for advertisers and experience positive media for consumers.
DoGood Media has increased the income of more than 50% from year to year by 2017 ended at nearly $5 million USD and a 29% net profit margin. See for the last 3 years, the total has been growing Media DoGood 4900% (49 x), placing it 3rd among all U.S. media company, and overall to-75.
As one of the top start-up company in the U.S., DoGood Media Sponsorship Programs honored with Microsoft BizSpark main and supported by Signature Bank, one of the top banks in Chicago.
Horizon is a world leader in the design, installation and management of telecommunications infrastructure. With blockchain technology and has a great goal for customers. Horizon is based in Bermuda and will target to enter the Bermuda market.
Now we discuss about fixed wireless. Fixed wireless is the operation of wireless devices or systems used to connect two fixed locations with radio or other wireless links, such as a laser bridge and this is part of the wireless LAN infrastructure. Fixed wireless will be owner and operated by Horizon.
The 4G LTE technology used by Horizon to provide Fixed High-speed Internet access, by implementing the Defined LTE-Advanced Software. 4G LTE technology has a strong history:
Standard 3GPP-based 4G LTE-Advanced
Technology is used worldwide for over 15 years
More than 7.2 billion wireless connections use the standard 3rd Generation Partnership (3GPP)
More than 1.5 billion LTE 4G connections worldwide
3GPP Release 13 (Rel-13) enhances 4G LTE even further towards the 5G standard.
Horizon will utilize blockchain technology in a number of different areas:
Data storage
VPN Services
Come back to CryptoCommunity
In the second paragraph already mentioned Bermuda and the Caribbean. Bermuda is an Overseas British Overseas area of 21 square miles. Bermuda has one of the highest standards of living in the world, with excellent education, service, and access to top-level care. Bermuda is the center for international business, Re / insurance funds, trusts, high net worth offices, shipping, airlines and new ventures, asset management, trust and personal client business, family office investment structures, shipping and airline companies and associated registries - new technologies such as startup and biomed companies - all contribute to the economy.
Internet Service Available in Bermuda
The internet in Bermuda is very unreliable and slow
The existing solutions are aging, limitations and lack of significant speed
Lack of single provider, wide island to offer all three services as package packages
Businesses, homes and tourists have a very expensive option for Cable or Telco services, including
TV Sound, Data and Infrastructure Solutions are expensive and difficult to run into customer properties
An outdated distribution network of more than 400 miles of copper wires, cables and poles
Copper and fiber can be heavily damaged by strong winds / hurricanes and salt corrosion
The Caribbean Islands are usually considered to be subregional in North America and are set in 30 territories including sovereign states, overseas departments, and dependencies.
Technology Solutions
The horizon technology can, at launch, provide 150mbs + per subscriber, which is a speed not heard in these countries except for a select few. Horizon will use a Non-Permanent Wireless Network called Long Term Evolution (LTE). LTE can take "multiple paths" back to the tower, bind several "channels" of frequencies together and dedicate an open channel to a particular client.
The installation is small and almost invisible in the customer's home
The tower is very tough
Each with a diesel backup / battery
The Customer Unit is 7 x 6.5 x 1.6 inches & attached to the exterior wall
Outdoor Cat5e is run inside the customer's network
Horizon will reach about 95% of Bermuda homes and businesses with only 4 towers. The off shore range will extend to 15+ Miles
Cryptocurrency Crowdsale
“Horizon is also one of the first companies, internationally, to offer a cryptocurrency crowdsale [called an ICO] which will allow people in Bermuda and internationally to partake in a success of the company,” Horizon said.
“Horizon will be holding live in person seminars on a regular basis that will be announced through social media and through traditional media outlets, so that people can learn about Horizon and its services as well as learn on how to partake in the crowd sale.”
The cryptocurrency ICO is due to start on January 22nd, 2018.
Soft Cap Of 2,500 ETH
The company’s white paper [PDF] states they have a soft cap of 2,500 ETH, and according to CoinDesk today’s opening price of Ethereum is $965, making the soft cap over $2 million Bermuda dollars at today’s price.
The company’s white paper said while they will be using Ethereum, ERC20 for their HRZN Token and Smart Contracts, they ”believe the current top Cryptocurrencies should be able to participate” and as such, “anyone looking to use Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, Vertcoin or Monero will be able to.”
The requirements include sending the equivalent of 1 ETH in your alternative Cryptocurrency of choice, sending Horizon an email to verify your deposit in those Cryptocurrencies to their designated wallet, and having an ERC20 wallet address for them to deposit HRZN Tokens into.
renewable energy blockchain startup, with a strong focus on monetization and driving global L.E.D. adoption. Terawatt will create a DAO, and also a deflationary Ethereum-based, private (zk-SNARKS) currency for global payments. The DAO will be funded and used by Utility Companies, L.E.D. Sellers, Businesses, token holders, and energy customers worldwide. The DAO will act like a decentralized global insurance fund to ensure Utilities (and businesses) always have access to funding (which constantly runs out) for subsidizing L.E.D. sales to their energy customers (or for businesses and people to overcome the upfront cost of upgrading to L.E.D.s).
We need complex intellectual contracts to manage DAO;
We need transparency, immutability, decentralization, and verification of all transactions performed on the platform;
Extremely accurate process automation
it is convenient to work with other Kriptoresursami in an increasingly digital world. Integration with other blockchain projects (product tracking, validation, ecosystem expansion, etc.)
Ndezhnost and fault tolerance.
Example study: Los Angeles will reach $8.7 million. Annual Energy savings
Why LED? Benefits
Turns on immediately like an incandescent bulb
They remain cool to the touch even after use
Work up to five times longer than CFL
No sensitivity to cold temperatures
Do not contain mercury
Some models can be used with a dimmer switch
Available in soft, warm and bright white shades
“Low-energy light bulbs use less than 20% of the energy of a conventional light bulb and can run up to 15 times longer.” Token description
TeraWATT Our project will use Ethereum to release and create tokens mainly because it has a basic foundation that our technologies will implement. Terawatts will manipulate block contracts. Our token will be a standard ERC20 marker with some specific modifications. Our algorithms will confirm that the consumer has actually purchased light bulbs from a suitable seller and adds a transaction to the blockchain. Smart contracts will execute and manage the entire process.
Global LED Adoption Through Blockchain Technology
We want to help aggressively drive LED (Light Emitting Diode) lighting adoption by creating a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) that will be funded and utilized by major utility companies and energy customers worldwide.
"In 2015, the electricity sector was the largest source of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions, accounting for about 29 percent of the U.S. total. Greenhouse gas emissions from electricity have increased by about 4 percent since 1990 as electricity demand has grown and fossil fuels have remained the dominant source for generation.”- EPA
Private sale: June 2018
PreICO: July 2018
ICO: September 2018
Cap: $11,460,000
Competitors: None
Our Mission
Terawatt will create a DAO, and also a deflationary Ethereum-based, private (zk-SNARKS) currency for global payments. The DAO will be funded and used by Utility Companies, L.E.D. Sellers, Businesses, token holders, and energy customers worldwide. The DAO will act as a decentralized global mutual/insurance fund to ensure Utilities (and businesses) always have access to funding (which constantly runs out) for subsidizing L.E.D. sales to their energy customers (or for businesses upgrading to L.E.D.s).
Total Supply: 100 Million Tokens Circulating Supply: 65 million (supply will decrease exponentially in an s-curve fashion to as low as 1 million tokens over time).
This is due to our continuous coin burning algorithm. Terawatt will automatically use 50-75% of company profits earned from DAO entry/exit fees, profit taking fees (like an exchange), time decay fees, carbon tax data storage fees, carbon credits, and even from affiliate L.E.D. sales commissions to buyback and burn (LED) Tokens. This is similar to the BNB token, but they only burn every quarter, we will burn 24/7.
Utilities and other businesses will want to accept our tokens for payments because our rate of deflation is much greater than all FIAT currencies and most, if not all, cryptocurrencies/tokens while also being more private and secure with zk-SNARKS and masternodes when available. Furthermore, the more tokens they have to enter into the DAO fund, the more voting power, profits, and staking rewards they can receive. This will further increase token value due to the network effect. (Metcalfe's Law)
The Features LED Token Utility
LED Incentives
Terawatt Token will act as a rewards system for each L.E.D. bulb purchase that's verified by our patent-pending process. This serves as an incentive for users to purchase LEDs for home, businesses, or government use and verify them through our interface
Data Storage
LED purchase records may be securely stored in the Terawatt ecosystem. This allows the purchasing entity to return at tax time and have all of their LED and other Energy Star Rated Purchase records readily available. The user pays a small token fee to access the records again.
Community Based Governance
Donated funds may be locked into a pool, and the global Terawatt community will vote/decide on what projects get funded and how much funding will be provided or set on the side for these projects.
We aim to have Masternodes when the Ethereum Blockchain allows for it. Masternodes will help to further secure and decentralize the Terawatt network. The Problem
PROBLEM: Inefficient light bulbs are creating both unnecessary greenhouse gas emissions, which are contributing to climate change, and unnecessarily exorbitant electricity bills for peoples and governments.
The DAO Decentralized Autonomous Organization Funding