Ethereum Limited is a smart contract creation platform. We noticed that not everyone has the ability to write smart contracts because it requires some level of programming skills so we decided to make it easier for everyone to create a contract savvy.
By taking advantage of the decentralized nature of the Ethereum blockchain, Ethereum Limited do not have to worry about the security of user data.
Since the creation of the Ethereum limited ecosystem, people require smart contracts will be flocking to Ethereum network-making it more successful. Lower transaction costs, quick turnaround, and the certainty of automation are some of the benefits we offer. Features, characteristics of the advantage of Ethereum Limited?
– Ethereum Limited is a very limited token that sits on the Ethereum blockchain. It is a token generated from the need; Do not interfere with external interference and to tamper with the transaction. – Ethereum Limited is a platform built on vulnerabilities of the current Ethereum platform and gives users modified version of Blockchain – with lots of features. – Ethlimited allows users to run smart contracts easily as repeating the alphabet. It eliminates the need for third party parasite.
In doing this, it brings more value to its users, much larger than the Ether. It is also very limited and subject to supply and demand, which agrees that the provision of electronic funds as little as each coin is valued.
– To ensure that the value of Ethereum Limited crosses the value of Ethereum, it only supplies a maximum of 10 million while Ethereum has a maximum supply of about 100 million. In a simple mathematical term, this means that 1 Ethereum Limited is worth ten times more than 1 ethereum. Ethereum Limited aims at the price of EThere um before the year 2019 ends.
– Final transaction: We believe that proposed core values of any blockchain are invariant; Valid transactions may never be deleted or deleted, and it can be retrieved by anyone at any time.
– Manage the authorization: when something is distributed, there is nobody focusing on determining what happens or not, and it does not reside in a single location. Because eth limited is lost in focus, it naturally leveraged all the advantages of the decentralized that its users prefer
– Including Privacy: How do I guarantee privacy on eth limited? With eth limited, the right to privacy is guaranteed because the transaction information is not flowing into a single point, they may use a lot of points to complete it. With EThe-reum, privacy is guaranteed because it is hard to keep track of information across the network.
-Ease of Use: The foundation creates smart contracts with our user-friendly. Thousands of templates ready to select will be available for customization. Minimum cost: Using our Smart contract templates and platforms will not harm your budget. You will spend less than a cup of coffee. Market: Can not find the smart contract form not tailored to your needs? Need a custom template, but you can’t do it yourself? Hiring a different platform user through our market.
The ETHL project is:
Technology Blockchain
Enhanced security system
Multicurrency Coins
Accepts Fiat & Crypto
Internal Security Wallet
No contract not charged
Ethereum Message token LIMITED address contract: HTTPS://ETHERSCAN.IO/TX/0X99F87BC040101D2AE759FCBEEFE7D50F56A951F06A25722BBE74189C7B3750E8 General offer: 10 million Token: ETHL Platform: Ethereum Standard: ERC20 Preico Price: 1 ETHL = $0.5 Total Sale 1 million Gía ICO: 1 ETHL = 0.5-$1.50 Total sale 5 million
HPQ Enables Investors To More Open With A Symbolic Investment
HPQ A decentralized, cost-effective project for potential investors or investors is one of the projects that will grow rapidly, given that the fluctuations in the exchange of digital assets have increased significantly earlier this year. The definition of this network uses a rather unique theme from other platform platforms around the world, has a book value and an investment process that has a profile value that exceeds the capital required for a modern digital Trade in assets. HPQ is a block-platform, which for the first time presents a unique creative idea on the symbolic market of the economic economy, which you can personally trade on the digital exchange platform for assets.
HPQ is one of the results of the development of the Blokchejnov industry, which has good performance and an excellent idea based on a system that allows investors to be more open with symbolic investments. As one of the first platform-generated chains, this company wants to help investors take more care of the economic weakness experienced by many people around the world in the concept of mutual assistance as an investment that can be sold Users on this block platform registered. Some important points of the HPQ platform are the fact that most registered investors and potential investors will start their business on the platform as a whole.
Respond to the general terms and conditions of the HPQ platform is a source of income that will provide a balanced cost of an economically beneficial ecosystem between buyers and sellers. In this case, the investor is an economic concept that has an average sales value exceeding the income of the investment capital, and the sales of tokens are more distributed among the investors who want to make a profit on this platform. The ability to connect to the following projects is a serious effort in a legal and secure project on tobacco trade and symbolism in the pulp and paper industry, starts trading and performs a balanced analysis system in one Of their own tactics and ideas that are used by many investors. Is. An HPQ decentralized blockchain platform, aimed at creating investments that affect the positive side of the management of funds that will be invested in this platform, in other words, this platform is a place for investors around World.
HPQ now at the beginning of the year crypto with certain characteristics, with the multitude and high current trading crypto market that dominate the market. Company HPQ become one of the big companies, which will be very successful in the future. Trade in the world of cryptocurrency never eluded from the growth and fall of exchange rate fluctuations and the exchange of coins, it is a natural thing that is felt Kriptotorgovye the company. Moreover, the company has no creative idea that the system may not use the investment, of course, it is a catastrophe that can be fatal with the destruction of the company. Decentralized investment funds on the blockchain platform for investors all over the world are an effective philosophy offered by this platform. With vision and mission concept of mutual benefit between the owner of the project and the owner of the token. With so many markets in the world cryptocurrency this year, competitors of many companies that operate or traded must have more unique features and creativity, this can be one of the benefits that can reach the community crypto.
This company has a market value which is special on each exchange. Providing convenience to potential investors is one of the things that crypto companies in the world can consider common, but that contain clear and detailed information and also effectively represent a roadmap that indicates Does the company really pay attention to future investors? If you are looking for a market as a currency trading site, then this is the solution you can take as one of the most important options of the Kriptotorgovli market based on the blockchain platform. Comes with the latest technology from the platform Blockchain HPQ is one of the trading markets for currencies and the exchange of Kriptosistemoj through a system of market democracy, which has great advantages for the profits of shareholders. Not only is this HPQ here there is an advantage that can be better described than other markets as a place to trade crypto.
HPQ is a new trading platform based on successful blocking methods that demonstrate the market and change the functioning of the financial ecosystem. This system uses its own platform-colleagues to support the trading process for some fantastic asset types. In addition, this platform also uses its own known crypto, which is known to be a Token trade. Developers expect to create huge liquidity targets that conduct token transactions to help token holders. The goal of this platform is to become a leader in the transformation of several financial assets with blockchain technology. Once you decide to participate in this trading website, I am sure that you can continue to invest in the founder's experience and creative ideas, as well as make transactions or transactions that will necessarily provide a great income and benefit you Personally.
An industry ripe for disruption
There is limited competition in global industries HPQ with two dominating players, Unimin and quartz Corp., handling more than 80% of global production. It took us several years to test, but we now have the technology to disrupt the industry and make the production process that is truly unique.
A great advantage with the assurance of out of options
You can plan go back and select one of the options on offer: purchase price of standard, actual HPQ products to redeem or resell in the market. Purchase and redemption are guaranteed by our company. You don't have to rely on the cryptocurrencies volatility because the purchase price specified in USD.
Innovative green technology
Our technology friendly. Instead of the classical method of purifying the Quartz (taking out the dirt that generate a lot of hazardous waste), "we're" just pure kwarsa of raw materials that can be any kind of purity quartz sand. Recycling and reagents used in the production process again and again. The unique production process we leave no harmful waste.
The future of the platform HPQ as a first-generation platform that provides solutions to problems with investors who may not be on time, and every time the changes of the crypto market or the usual ups and downs of prices occur in cryptography, this platform Looking for potential users who are willing to automatically notify on their mobile devices to leave the world without the slightest of their actions. Strive to create an ecosystem that Konceptualiziruet mutual benefit between traders and users, as well as a platform that can continually maintain sales stability. To solve the problems often encountered by most investors, HPQ comes to the solution by providing intelligent solutions with a platform that helps performance and ease of access to their accounts.
WPP energi hijau energi Platform yang sedang dibuat untuk mengurangi biaya energi hijau global, awalnya, melalui penggunaan teknologi WPP's, kemitraan, lisensi, afiliasi, dan pihak ketiga hubungan. Berkantor pusat di Jenewa Swiss, kekuatan dunia produksi energi CORPORATION adalah pemimpin dalam industri energi terbarukan global sejak 2009, dipimpin oleh Presiden Mr Rafael Ben dengan lebih dari 30 tahun pengalaman dalam sektor dan tamu pembicara dan dosen di Internasional Green energi Summits. Misi WPP energi tetap konsisten sepanjang tahun dan misi itu adalah untuk menggunakan inovatif dan teknologi mengganggu untuk menghasilkan dan menyediakan dunia paling terjangkau dan efisien 100% energi bersih. Ikhtisar dari kami 3 bidang utama aktivitas bisnis disediakan.
Energi terbarukan yang ada WPP's kontrak dengan berbagai pemerintah di seluruh dunia, senilai lebih dari $50B, dimulai dengan fokus awal pada USD $6B dimulai pada Desember 2018. WPP energi telah menandatangani kontrak dengan banyak negara di seluruh dunia di tingkat pemerintah federal untuk produksi energi hijau selama 35 tahun terus-menerus. Kontrak termasuk PPA's (Perjanjian Pembelian tenaga listrik) mengkonversi MSW (Municipal Solid Waste) ke dalam listrik dan produk-produk yang akan digunakan untuk pasar lokal. WPP's pemerintah menandatangani kontrak bisnis pernah berkembang dan akan mencakup pengumuman mendatang di beberapa daerah, termasuk penciptaan masa depan seluruh hijau desa dan kota-kota untuk rumah hingga 200.000 orang, dibangun dalam hanya dua tahun, dan vertikal rumah kaca pertanian towers.
WPP ini adalah platform global, desentralisasi, digunakan untuk mengelola kumulatif barang dan program loyalitas. Setelah menganalisis sejumlah besar program loyalitas untuk berbagai titik, pengembang tidak menemukan sebuah aplikasi yang baik. Hal ini menyebabkan kerusakan langsung kepada pengguna, serta fakta bahwa program loyalitas tidak berhasil, dan meningkatkan tanggung jawab perusahaan.
Mari kita lihat bagaimana proyek ini mewakili nilai untuk sistem seperti dan bagaimana proyek ini berbeda dari proyek blok platform, mirip dengan Skor integrasi. Semua pengguna WPP dapat menukar poin atau mil, yang mereka terima dari afiliasi program, WPP token atau sebaliknya, untuk bertukar token untuk poin dalam program afiliasi. Pengguna dapat menggunakan WPP untuk membeli produk dalam program afiliasi. Program afiliasi akan mendapatkan lebih banyak peluang yang disediakan oleh pemasaran, promosi, dan belanja.
WPP adalah sebuah platform yang menggunakan blok untuk memecahkan masalah-masalah yang berkaitan dengan cedera langsung kepada pengguna, dan program-program loyalitas, yang dilaksanakan karena miskin komitmen dan meningkat kepada perusahaan-perusahaan yang dihasilkan dari penggunaan terlalu banyak program kesetiaan. WPP mengintegrasikan poin di WPP TOKEN menjual dan menyediakan program loyalitas kepada pengguna. Untuk yang termurah dengan keamanan maksimum. Selain kehandalan dan biaya transaksi yang rendah, WPP menggunakan teknologi diagram blok untuk menghilangkan mediator, memberi pengguna dan mitra hasil yang lebih masuk akal.
Poin dan mil terutama digunakan dalam kegiatan ekonomi. Menurut survei, dua-pertiga dari rata-rata penduduk Amerika menggunakan sistem Skor 29 perusahaan yang berbeda. Sebagai contoh, ketika terbang pesawat untuk perjalanan bisnis, menggunakan kartu kredit atau di toko online, yang dikumpulkan di setiap saat. Biasanya item ini menerima persentase tertentu dari jumlah pembelian ketika kita membeli barang dan jasa. Untuk klien, perkiraan mengurangi harga barang, memungkinkan mereka untuk menggunakan poin di masa depan seperti uang tunai untuk membeli barang dan jasa. Untuk bisnis, mereka dapat mengharapkan peningkatan FEC dan dapat mendorong pelanggan untuk fokus pada layanan mereka.
WPP pengguna dapat dengan mudah mengintegrasikan dan mengelola WPP token dan mengarahkan mereka ke setiap perusahaan di seluruh dunia dalam dompet mereka. WPP pengguna dapat juga mudah berbagi poin pada tanda WPP atau mitra WPP mark. Selain itu, dompet WPP mencakup saluran periklanan yang menyediakan pengiklan atau kupon untuk pengguna atau mitra secara real-time. Hal ini memungkinkan WPP kemitraan untuk menarik lebih banyak pelanggan dan mempromosikan lebih banyak program kesetiaan. Selain itu, WPP store pengguna dapat membeli barang atau jasa dari kemitraan.
Setiap perusahaan yang kita bertemu meluncurkan program kesetiaan menggunakan kacamata. Pasar untuk barang-barang ini biaya lebih dari satu miliar dan tumbuh sebesar 6% per tahun. Namun, ini berarti ada banyak jenis account, karena ada banyak bisnis di dunia. Dalam keputusasaan, klien sulit untuk mengelola dan menggunakan poin. Bahkan untuk bisnis, tidak terpakai poin menyebabkan program loyalitas lebih rendah dari yang diharapkan, dan mempengaruhi utang mereka. WPP adalah solusi untuk desentralisasi berdasarkan memblokir, yang saat ini memecahkan masalah program loyalitas menggunakan poin. Fitur kunci dari WPP termasuk, dompet WPP, promosi WPP berbagi untuk makan dan penyimpanan. WPP
Proyek WPP adalah solusi untuk desentralisasi blok, yang memecahkan masalah program loyalitas yang menggunakan poin. Fitur utama dari WPP dompet yang WPP dompet, Penukaran Valuta Asing, promosi dan penyimpanan WPP. WPP
WPP TOKEN TOTAL pasokan: 5 miliar token pribadi Harga Jual: $0.16 pra ITO Harga Jual: $0,20 pra ITO dijual istilah: flat rate bahwa tidak berubah selama hari 62, bermula 1 Juli dan berakhir 62 hari kemudian pada 1 September.
Tujuan dari penjualan pra ITO adalah untuk memulai pembangunan dua digital blockchain platform dan untuk memulai program Rebate energi hijau. Energi WPP percaya bahwa inisiatif cryptocurrency kami harus diri pendanaan.
ITO kerumunan-penjualan yang mengikuti akan meningkatkan modal pada skala yang lebih besar untuk mempercepat penyebaran fisik HHO energi solusi kami 3 di seluruh dunia dan untuk berinvestasi dalam bisnis kami proyek pemerintah dan juga membangun keluar kami dua digital platform.
Rincian kami Crowdsale (yang mengikuti pra-penjualan) akan dirilis segera dan website kami dan whitepaper akan diperbarui sebagaimana mestinya, periksa kembali segera untuk update. Informasi Token WPP
BITCOIN ORIGIN is a platform that uses blocks to solve problems related to direct damage to users, and poorly implemented loyalty programs and increased liability to companies as a result of too many loyalty programs using scores. BITCOIN ORIGIN integrates points into BITCOIN ORIGIN tokens (ORI) and provides users with loyalty programs. For the lowest cost with maximum security. In addition to reliability and low transaction costs, BITCOIN ORIGIN uses block-block technology to eliminate intermediaries, providing users and partners with more sensible results.
Before discussing more about Bitcoin Origin, I'll tell you a bit about what "Hard-Fork" is in the world of cryptocurrency. Hard-fork is a condition when a coin developer of a cryptocurrency agrees to apply a new feature or change to the coin programming system. Hard-fork aims to upgrade the security of the coin network and adapt to the growing number of users. the hard fork case that ever happened was, In 2016 the DAO was hacked on the Ethereum platform, then the ethereum developer team did the hard fork and produced a new Altcoin called Ethereum (ETH) and the old coin called the Ethereum Classic (ETC). another example, by 2017 hard fork is done on the Bitcoin core network that results in Chain splitting and becoming a new Altcoin called Bitcoin Cash (BCH).
BITCOIN ORIGIN is a global and decentralized platform, used to manage cumulative points and loyalty programs. Analyze a large number of different loyalty programs using points, the developer did not find a good application. This leads to direct damage to users, as well as loyalty programs that are not successfully implemented and increased liabilities to the company.
BITCOIN ORIGIN offers a solution to this problem using blocking technology. Due to low transaction costs and high security, BITCOIN ORIGIN converts the score into BITCOIN ORIGIN (ORI) tokens and provides users with loyalty programs.
Token Sales (ORI)
The BITCOIN ORIGIN token is designed as a token compatible with ERC20 on the Ethereum platform and takes advantage of the locking technology. Target audience of BITCOIN ORIGIN-airline, travel agency, which is the market leader, as well as online stores around the world. With such advantages, BITCOIN ORIGIN, based on advanced, secure and effective blocking technology, will own a billion dollars in the world market. What problems does the project solve?
The following are the problems identified: Increase in Company's liabilities: points that are not used are counted as liabilities. Due to the fact that the client's points are becoming less demanded, the company's obligations become more and more significant and negatively affect their financial assessments. Low Performance Loyalty Program: This is due to the low use of points, the company can not achieve the performance of the loyalty program as expected. Low performance, how to put social spending for customer and business
The complexity of checkpoints: on average, 29 programs are registered, different, so it is difficult to control the points and causes the points to expire. Profit will be provided by this platform. Both users and businesses can use the platform Chair. Users can redeem their points on BITCOIN ORIGIN tokens (ORI) or use their points in Shop Point. Users get access to promotion through advertising channels to access advertising from interested companies.
BITCOIN ORIGIN Wallet allows you to manage and integrate multiple partners at the same time. The company has access to more customers, which allows them to quickly sell their products at the behest. BITCOIN ORIGIN Exchange models help companies to effectively reduce their obligations. Partners can encourage greater loyalty to potential customers by using BITCOIN ORIGIN's feed and storage destinations. Tranched Release and Whitelisting
Bitcoin Origin will be released in daily tranches, in a structured manner, to ensure organic growth and prevent whales or large organizations from off-loading ORI tokens on partner exchanges. To claim your Bitcoin Origin Tokens, holders of Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, Litecoin and Dash will need to whitelist using our easy to use claiming tool. Bitcoin Origin is Self Funded
The experienced Bitcoin Origin founding team truly believes in the project and as such have placed their own capital at stake. Bitcoin Origin has been funded entirely in house thus far and there is no ICO planned for this project.
Roadmap Jan - Jun 2017
Mining problems arise due to “dirty” power usage, centralization of mining resources, and reduced profitability in PoW * Mining Industry - the Bitcoin Origin idea is born. Jul - Sep 2017
Gathering of the Bitcoin Origin Team – Developers, Designers, General Managers, Project Managers, PR staff, Support * * Staff and Call Centre Agents. Oct - Dec 2017
Position Paper Completed
Jan - Mar 2018
Proof of concept for POA infrastructure
Proof of concept for Multichain Applications
Website Completed
Apr - Jun 2018
Whitepaper completed
Partnerships Secured for full security Audit
Community Building
Customer Support Team Setup
Infrastructure Completed and upgraded for Bitcoin Origin Launch
Bounty Campaigns Setup
Prepare for the Launch of the ERC20 token onto multiple exchanges
Multiple Full code Audit on Bitcoin Origin completed (Independent and in-house)
Jul - Sep 2018
Testnet Launch
Full nodes
Full wallets
Lite wallets
Mobile Wallets
Claiming Tools
Bitcoin Origin Fund begins work on Crypto Based Projects
Oct - Dec 2018
Mainnet Launch
Bitcoin Origin Conference
Scalability Improvements
Bitcoin Origin non-profit begins to assess projects
Bitcoin Origin Education Fund begins work on the education platform
Jan - Mar 2019
Community Development Funding Platform – Allowing the community to submit and fund improvement protocols
Every credit card users know that when paying for some goods or services such as financial instruments, these days you can get a good dividend. Cashback is a common thing for many people, but this decentralized application developers are convinced that they are ready to offer solutions-Kriptovaljutnye really innovative cashback for daily purchases. For a long time, the credit card user has been offering cashback system for every purchase they make. And today, the innovative technology will allow to obtain the crypt-a great opportunity to get a promising signs, which in the future will be able to bring a real passive profits.
The same applies to loyalty cards and applications on your phone, which allows for a direct bank deposit or investment. Wulet world cryptocurrency to help make it happen.
Wulet important for simplicity and efficiency, thanks to the application, the user can open the platform at any time, allowing them to make a payment online, wherever they are. Thanks to this unique application, you will be able to make profitable purchases in most online stores, while getting cashback in cryptocurrency. Developers are confident that their project will be popular, since many active Internet shoppers often works with cryptocurrency and will be happy with this offer.
Since the purchase of goods using cryptocurrency are becoming increasingly common, Wulet will be seen as one of the driving forces behind it, because this encourages users to find shops that take Kriptovo-Toki.
How does it work? Decentralized client application will only have to pay for the purchase using internal wallet. Soon after that, he can expect to receive cashback, the size of which depends directly on the value of the goods. And thanks to this simple process, before the complex transaction is performed very easily:
Information about payment put in Wulet with the help of the QR code;
You can spend your bonus on the market partners, Save in the form of cryptocurrency or selling them at market conditions;
All discounts and promotions are in one application, Vulet, and you don't need to go through any stage looking really advantageous offer;
You benefit and loyal customers who show up at the store. Store owners interested in this kjeshbjeke, because it allows You to significantly expand its client base.
All available benefits Wulet applies to any business that wants to carry out the cryptocurrency. Wulet provides these companies with the tools they need to implement them as an acceptable procurement method.
The main characteristics of Wulet
Transparent system receive cashback on token WU: all contractors providing their clients with uniform conditions, no deception and individual circumstances;
A quick way to collect bonus points: bonus from various contractors piled in a single wulet kriptobalanse;
Various possibilities of using token WU: a market that accepts token Wu as means of payment is exchanged for other currencies different crypto in Bursa, converted into cash. This approach allows users to actively use cryptocurrency, considering their own preferences;
A way that is simple, fast and secure to get kriptovaljutnost for daily activities. Use smart contracts do not allow fraudsters to receive user data or tools. Developer platform that sure-blockchain will make it possible to reliably protect from loss of money;
Quick Launch loyalty program by consultant: all the infrastructure is now available, and it is not necessary to follow some of the platforms at the same time, all functions presented in a bag. Crowdsale stages
It will be possible to withdraw tokens to any ERC20-compatible wallet after the end of all the stages of the campaign.
Token price: 1 WU = 0,001 ETH
Pre-sale start: 07/05/2018
Main stage: 3Q2018
Softcap: 8 000 ETH
Hardcap: 49 000 ETH
Token distribution
Attracted funds distribution
30% — circulating assets for continuous work of the platform with contactors and maintenance of work of the in-built marketplace;
30% — marketing, promoting, localization and adaptation of the project for the regions of its presence;
Yappadappadoo Is A Blockchain Linked App Store What is Yappadappadoo?
Yappadappadoo is a Blockchain linked App Store, bringing Progressive Web Applications (PWAs) to all mobile devices worldwide. By combining the advantages of two young, future-proofed technologies, Blockchain and PWAs, yappadappadoo will establish itself as a David against the market-dominating Goliath app stores of Apple and Google and will achieve a significant market share.
APP-REVOLUTION No download. No installation. No updates. Clever enough to work offline and lightning fast. Independent of individual devices and operating systems. Progressive Web Applications (PWA) revolutionize the app-market like Spotify and Netflix did for music and movies.
yappadappadoo is the first and currently the only app store for progressive web apps. It is estimated that the worldwide app revenues will grow to around 180 billion US-Dollars by 2020. For selfish reasons Apple App Store and Google Play Store fear PWAs killing their cash-cows. They don’t offer these revolutionary apps – and will keep on doing so as long as possible. Feat. Blockchain
Apps and In-App content can be bought with yappadappadoo Tokens, the Flints (FLI). Developers will be paid with tokens too and also able to access preconfigured feature-components or marketing services. The Blockchain payment system will eliminate unfairly high commission charges for micro-payments, thereby solving one of the greatest and most fundamental problems of the app-economy. The yappadappadoo Blockchain rating- and incentive-system will be both transparent and secure against manipulation.
O.K. – we all know who the “big players” are in the app market – but these guys won’t be bringing you PWAs or Smart-Apps. Why? Because they want to stick with their established revenue method, skimming a cool 30% off all app and in-app sales. yappadappadoo will pay app-developers and –owners more and will achieve a market share of 10% by 2022. It’s time for Revolution! 180 BILLION $
Industry analysts estimate that worldwide app revenues will grow to 180 billion US-Dollars by 2020. We plan to take 10% of this market, equivalent to 18.8 billion USD. yappadappadoo revenues include 15% commission on app sales, in-app sales, as well as revenue from mobile ads & ad-free apps, hosting fees and marketing campaigns. The Key to 4.5 Billion Users
PWAs don’t require download or installation. Thanks to cloud-based web technology, users are always on the latest version.
PWAs are based on Web technology and work on all platforms: Apple, Android, etc.
Improved UserExperience
PWAs operate on Smartphones and Tablets with the same „Look and Feel“ as a native App. But there is no need to download or update the App – ever!
Native Features
Progressive Apps allow use of native Device features, such as: Camera, Microphone, GPS or Messaging.
GUARIUM Provides Significant Advantages Over Other Cryptocurrencies Available Online.
What is Guar Coin?
Imagine you are the owner of cryptocurrency that you can use in thousands of online stores around the world. Everyday, the benefits gained by Guar Coin are due to the fact that from the beginning it was introduced to the circulation in the huge online sales infrastructure.
During its official debut, Guar Coin will be a strong market exchange rate, at the same time a great solution for individual investors who want to benefit by dynamic growth in value.
Implementation of the planned Blockchain Technology
A great and powerful affiliate system
e-Commerce infrastructure
The sales ecosystem
Global token and cryptocurrency in the future
Private transactions
Pre ICO e-Commerce Automation
Purpose of PRE ICO?
Collect funds to complete the development of fully automated e-Commerce platforms in Full Dropshipping technology with a large network of AFFILIATE stores and its own financial infrastructure.
The fastest growing e-commerce market is more than 2.3 TRILLION Dolars!
Platform e-Commerce
The relationship between producers of goods and wholesalers with online shop owners operating
Our own financial system
Possibility to set up and run your own automated shop for free
Various suport of wallet
Full support for P2P transfers and cellular wallets allows easy use of Guar Coins
Exchange System
Creation of our own platform for exchanging tokens and signing Intelligent Contracts.
General system scheme
ECommerce Automation
Online Sales System Auto Full Thanks to the adoption of innovative solutions, individual manufacturers and wholesalers will be able to use the leverage of hundreds of thousands of scattered online stores run by individual entrepreneurs around the world. Solutions adapted to existing and emerging stores.
In each of these stores you will be able to use Guar Coin to do some shopping that will provide significant advantages over other cryptocurrencies available online.
Strong online sales platform based on Blockchain technology
In this central system, we are ready to receive millions of commodity databases where already in the preparation stage of this entire project we have imported over 140,000 products from 10 connected to the warehouse system.
At launch, we anticipate inventory levels of at least 1 million products and about 100 warehouses connected in one country only, where the entire system will operate in a start-up phase. From this country, all online stores connected to the system will be able to sell in many countries, but the service system will run from one particular country.
In the next stage, we will launch the central system further in other first countries in Europe and then in the global market. How does the Guar Coin token distribution look like?
Token distribution has been divided into several phases, the first is Pre ICO, where users can obtain Guar Coin at a price that will allow them to get maximum results in increasing its value.
Here’s Your Chance
You can buy GUAR Tokens before they get officially into circulation We know it perfectly well that the future of shopping belongs to the Internet and thanks to the appropriate e-Commerce Automation infrastructure which we are building, we will significantly influence the way people shop online.
5 TN: (trillion) dollars – value of e-Commerce market in Europe
0,01: value of GUAR tokens in pre-sale
10%: of GUAR tokens to be distributed in the Pre ICO phase
35 MLN: dollars – goal for the Pre ICO phase
Price Guar Coin in pre sales: 0.01 GUAR
Every purchase today is additional:: 100%
The bounty will be managed by "CryptoMazeTM" and you may contact their admins via our bounty telegram group here.
Telegram will be the main form of communication with regards to any bounty related, PRE-ICO related or product related details
You are offered stakes which you will get from the work you carry out and these will be converted for the GUARIUM tokens at the end of the campaign.
This campaign will last until the end of GUARIUM PRE-ICO (Mid July).
We have allocated a total sum of 500 Million (500,000,000) GUARIUM Tokens (GUAR) for the bounty program where 1 GUAR will be valued at $ 0.01
Campaign 1: Signature Campaign: 15% allocation
Campaign 2: Twitter Campaign: 20% allocation
Campaign 3: Facebook Campaign: 20% allocation
Campaign 4: Telegram Campaign: 10% allocation
Campaign 5: Telegram Group Campaign: 5% allocation
Campaign 6: Translation Campaign: 15% allocation
Campaign 7: Super Bounty Campaign: 5% allocation
Campaign 8: Article and video content Campaign: 10% allocation
We also have an additional Airdrop campaign which can be seen at the bottom of the post.
TEDCHAIN-Games Which Is Based On Blockchain Technology And Decentralized Gaming Ecosystem
We are a decentralized and cross platform cryptocurrency dedicated to enhancing the gaming experience on the blockchain for all users.
Tedchain plans to build its own game that would show first hand how the proposed technology works and also use that medium to onboard a lot of user as well as game developers to the platform. Developing games that a lot of people can relate to is a goal from the standpoint of Tedchain as this practice places Tedchain on the market and also reaches out to a large audience compared to games with a low level of acceptability. Mobile games that would allow players mine cryptocurrency and spend in the real are also been developed.
Tedchian business quintessence is fundamentally hinged on 3 strongholds;
Development and distribution of its own crypto games.
Publishing of games from 3rd Party Developers.
Operation of the decentralized gaming and Ted platform.
This ecosystem is like a world of its own, a planet in a universe. It's a community of game lovers, players, game developers, publishers, and advertisers. Here a player can choose from the multiple available games to play either alone or with other community members. Not just the player alone benefits from this decentralized ecosystem but the rest of the community. Some notable features in this ecosystem include;
GAME PUBLISHING - This includes the ability to develop and publish games by Tedchain and also other third-party developers.
TEDCHAIN GAMING AND COMMUNITY PORTAL - This is where gamers get to play their online games either with self or with other games and also access the TED marketplace to get virtual products to ease their gaming experience.
TEDCHAIN MOBILE APP STORE - The TED ecosystem is not only for online games as players can also download the games to their mobile phones and PC. More interestingly is that all games no matter the platform can be managed via one account.
TEDCHAIN REWARD & IMMUTABLE VOTING SYSTEM - Includes the monetization as players get rewarded for playing games. This for sure would ignite the interest of gamers and intending gamers. It would also give a sense of achievement to the gamers as they can now earn money doing what they love!
Tedcoin is a private, secure, untraceable currency. In the Gaming Ecosystem, you are your bank, you control your funds, and nobody can trace your transfers. Privacy: Tedcoin uses a cryptographically sound system to allow you to send and receive funds without your transactions being easily revealed on the blockchain (the ledger of transactions that everyone has). This ensures that your purchases, receipts, and all transfers remain absolutely private by default. Security: Using the power of a distributed peer-to-peer consensus network, every transaction on the network is cryptographically secured. Individual wallets have a 24 word mnemonic that is only displayed once, and can be written down to backup the wallet. Wallet files are encrypted with a passphrase to ensure they are useless if stolen.
Untraceability: By taking advantage of ring signatures, a special property of certain types of cryptography, Tedcoin is able to ensure that transactions are not only untraceable, but have an optional measure of ambiguity that ensures that transactions cannot easily be tied back to an individual user or computer.
In order to achieve this goal Tedchain will create a gaming ecosystem with the TED token used as a means of payment to trade game products, grow the liquidity pool in the network and scale transactions. Funds raised as part of the ICO will be used primarily to acquire new players, develop a state of the art matching engine and expand the range of game products. Only TED holders will be able to trade on the Tedchain Gaming Ecosystem. Total of 1 billion TED tokens will be issued on the Ethereum blockchain as a standard ERC-20 token. The TED is the in-project utility token which is used by main actors like a payment instrument:
Gamers can buy TED coins to use them in any game published
3rd Devs can pay for additional marketing opportunities for their games
Developers and Publishers can reward gamers.
USING OF TOKENS TED is one of the in-game currencies of Tedchain. The TED is an universal payment instrument in the Tedchain Gaming Ecosystem. TED tokens can be exchanged into TED coins and vise versa. TED coins are the in-game currency you can use in all games published through our games portal. Every TED token is either stored in user’s Ethereum wallet, or is in the game and therefore is mapped to one of player’s accounts.
The following will be available only for payments in TED:
Purchase Items,
Player-to-player trades inside the game A player will have three ways to purchase TED:
On a crypto currency exchange, for another coin (BTC or ETH).
On the game site, for fiat currency.
Inside the game, using Google Play or App Store payment mechanism.
Tedchain is an distributed ledger technology. It is suited for organizations wishing to issue and manage digital assets in a robust, secure and scalable way.
Tedchain runs on a dedicated peer-to-peer network, game-optimized blockchain. The global Ted P2P mesh network is the foundation that all aspects of the Ted ecosystem are built upon.
Building on the P2P model, the Tedchain is optimized for gaming, and has been designed with powerful smart contract-based features to allow game publishers and server operators to provide gamers with the highest possible quality aming experience. CONSENSUS PROTOCOL
TedLab has developed a novel consensus protocol, based on the best of existing Proof-of-Stake and Proof-of-Authority protocols. Tedchain uses PoS based consensus system that is designed to reward longterm participants within the Tedchain ecosystem. SECURELY COMMUNICATE
Tedchain provides the ability to securely communicate between devices running the Tedcoin wallet. Secure communication between users can occur between single users or between groups. Tedchain provides a platform for users to create channels that broadcast signals and data into Tedchain. It allows for small amounts of immutable data to be added to the blockchain. IN-PLATFORM UTILITY TOKEN
Game developers can tokenize practically any in-game asset, from inventory items to achievements, cross-game exclusives, and tournament awards. Players can exchange tokenized assets in-game, across games, or for tradable asset such as the platform's own Tedchain, providing real world value which can be supported on any external exchange. Game publishers can sell their own tokenized assets on the Ted Marketplace directly to gamers, or even create their own fundraising crowdsales by creating a platform token directly on the Tedchain. Smart contracts can be created for events, tournaments, in-game statistical reporting, auctions, or for practically any other use case. ICO Summary
Token Name and Symbol Tedchain (TED)
KYC/AML Request for Private Sale & Public Sale
Methods of payment Payments in fiat and 70+ coins
Softcap & Hardcap 5,000 - 37,500 ETH
Volume 1,000,000,000 TED
Total Allocation 700,000,000 TED
Token Privileges In-platform utility token
Token Emission August 10th
Public ICO Will start from July 01st to July 30th
Hardcap 15,000 ETH
Token Sale Week 01: 1 ETH = 20,000 TED
Week 02: 1 ETH = 19,000 TED
Week 03: 1 ETH = 18,000 TED
Week 04: 1 ETH = 17,000 TED
*** Bonus 5% if invest 2 ETH and 10% for 4 ETH
Min/Max Contributions 0.1 – 4 ETH
Token Distribution
Token Sale 70%
Bounties 05%
Management & Team 15%
Reserve 10%
Usage of Proceeds
Ecosphere development & launch 20%
Games development 30%
Team and founders 08%
Promotion & Marketing 23%
Advisors and partners 15%
External Legal Services 04%
The team is made up of well-experienced individuals in the various fields of Gaming, cryptocurremcy, business, marketing amongst many others. A full detail of the team can be seen on the white paper.
In conclusion, Blockchain technology has always been seen to have an immensely positive impact when integrated into a real-life use. This concept by Tedchain is a brilliant one not just for the gaming industry but also for the crypto world as it would spark the interest of new users to learn more about cryptocurrency as a result of TED. I believe in the delivery power of the team based on their validated and outstanding credentials, I wish for them all the best and look forward to seen Tedchain been the biggest innovation ever in the gaming world.
Humancoin Menyatukan Dermawan Dan Penerima Dana Pada Platform P2P Tunggal Dalam Cara Yang Paling Nyaman Dan Transparan Mungkin
Humancoin adalah sebuah platform revolusioner yang membawa tentang sinergi industri filantropi, e-commerce eceran dan cryptocurrency pasar, yang bersama-sama memiliki nilai gabungan sebesar $3,5 triliun. Mengapa Humancoin adalah sebuah terobosan blockchain proyek?
Humancoin menyatukan dermawan dan Penerima dana pada platform P2P tunggal dalam cara yang paling nyaman dan transparan mungkin.
Platform blockchain yang dipicu oleh Humancoin "ditambang" token akan bernapas kehidupan baru ke dalam industri amal, membuktikan mesin pertumbuhan.
Sementara pada saat yang sama menjadi program loyalitas premier global untuk peningkatan jumlah mitra dalam e-commerce.
Mengapa memiliki Humancoin?
Token Humancoin dapat dengan mudah ditukar menjadi poin, mil, bonus, kupon. Token pemilik akan menjadi insentif untuk menahan mereka untuk mengambil keuntungan dari keuntungan menarik dan ini menyediakan permintaan yang jangka panjang dan stabil untuk token
Sebagai jumlah mitra dan ruang lingkup kerja sama dalam jaringan Humancoin tumbuh, begitu pula popularitas token
Konsep "pertambangan" bukti amal memungkinkan proyek untuk skala ratusan dan ribuan kali
Fitur unik dari Humancoin
Ini adalah yang pertama pernah blockchain proyek yang memiliki potensi untuk menjadi agregator program loyalitas e-dagang global
Asosiasi dengan filantropi Token yang memberikan keuntungan yang unik dalam mengembangkan program loyalitas dengan mitra menciptakan resonansi emosional yang kuat
Daripada bersaing dengan program yang ada, Humancoin token mudah diintegrasikan ke dalam sudah ada sistem — semua itu membutuhkan adalah pengaturan tingkat konversi
Pasar Highlights
Masalah: kurangnya kepercayaan
Solusi: Humancoin adalah mata uang kebaikan
Blockchain memecahkan masalah kepercayaan dengan menyediakan transparansi, penelusuran, dan keamanan
Donatur dapat dengan cepat membuat sumbangan di seluruh dunia, memantau pengeluaran mereka secara online, menerima manfaat dari platform mitra
Simbiosis e-commerce dan cryptocurrencies akan memfasilitasi peningkatan jumlah donatur
Di antara mitra proyek akan besar toko online, bisnis Jasa, industri gaming dan hiburan, maskapai penerbangan, cryptoexchanges, perusahaan-perusahaan internasional, terlepas dari apakah mereka beroperasi dengan cryptocurrencies atau tidak.
Cara kerjanya
Platform menyediakan kesempatan untuk sepenuhnya melacak donasi online, pemungutan suara dan peringkat untuk proyek-proyek dan dermawan bersama dengan fitur lainnya.
Ada juga pilihan untuk menerima tanda terima untuk setiap sumbangan untuk menggunakan untuk tujuan pengurangan pajak tergantung pada yurisdiksi pajak donor.
Ekspansi masa depan proyek ini akan dibiayai oleh 5%-biaya yang timbul dari dana yang dikumpulkan untuk amal proyek, yang merupakan 4 kali lebih rendah daripada rata-rata pasar.
Keuntungan lain dari Humancoin meliputi:
Humancoin adalah sebuah platform P2P terbuka yang memungkinkan dermawan untuk membuat sumbangan langsung menentukan. Dengan desain, proyek tidak terikat kepada organisasi amal yang spesifik atau masyarakat. Amal dunia internasional, multifaset dan bergantung pada miliaran orang-orang dari semua negara dan semua bangsa.
Humancoin tidak memaksa penggunaan buatan token yang amal transaksi. Jelas, proyek harus menerima dana dalam mata uang mereka asli bahwa mereka merasa nyaman menghabiskan uang di. Sebuah proyek yang didasarkan pada platform menentukan mana fiat atau ingin menerima sumbangan di cryptocurrency. Donor dapat mentransfer uang dalam mata uang yang diinginkan ke penerima menggunakan alat konversi mata uang built-in pada Humancoin platform.
The Humancoin platform dapat mengelola sebagian besar kripto populer dan kesanggupan mata uang. Humancoin tempat tidak ada batasan pada proyek-proyek dan pengguna dalam hal mata uang. Dermawan membuat semua keputusan secara mandiri.
Humancoin tidak berencana untuk menghabiskan dana pada menciptakan adaptasi dari solusi teknologi yang ada. Prioritas tetap integrasi dan kompatibilitas dengan solusi pasar yang sudah mapan dan populer. Misalnya, daripada membuat dompet kripto kita sendiri dengan fungsi cryptoexchange dari awal, kami akan menyertakan sebuah solusi yang ada ke platform — seperti Jaxx dengan setelah ShapeShift. Juga akan ada pilihan untuk menggunakan dompet multisignature.
Humancoin biaya untuk menggalang dana bagi badan amal akan terbatas untuk 5% (yang akan digunakan untuk dukungan di masa depan dan pengembangan platform), sedangkan Komisi diambil oleh yayasan amal yang ada dapat hingga 20-30%.
platform akan menampilkan industri paling fungsional dan user-friendly interface, menampilkan daftar dari semua proyek yang dipecah oleh kategori, sistem peringkat, pemungutan suara alat dan host layanan terpadu lainnya
Jika diinginkan, donor dapat meninggalkan dana di Humanpool, dan sistem akan mengalokasikan uang secara otomatis ke proyek-proyek dengan penilaian tertinggi dari platform komunitas. Ini mungkin berlaku untuk perusahaan, dimana peraturan perusahaan sering mencegah dukungan dari proyek-proyek tertentu dan lebih mudah untuk menyumbangkan uang langsung ke kolam renang atau Yayasan.
Humancoin akan menjadi platform pertama untuk menggunakan keahlian profesional (keuangan dan hukum) dari perusahaan audit independen (audit forensik), terutama untuk tujuan evaluasi proyek-proyek besar.
Tidak akan menjadi serangkaian pilihan tambahan yang tersedia pada platform, yang pengguna juga dapat membayar dengan tanda-tanda Humancoin (menerima manfaat tambahan dalam hal ini).
Token dijual
3,055,000,000 ERC20 Humancoins tersedia
Semua bukti yang pergi terjual dibakar
Harga satu tanda adalah $0,01
Minimal pembelian – 0.1 ETH
1 Juli-15 Agustus
Diharapkan untuk meningkatkan
$1 mln
Token dijual
September 15 — 1 November
Softcap-$6 juta
Hardcap-$26 juta
Dana dibangkitkan pada penjualan Token akan dihabiskan untuk pengembangan proyek di 2019.
Akan ada tambahan token emisi (mining), 100% terikat volume aktual sumbangan amal (bukti amal).
3 055 mln: dijual 1 000 mln: dana pembangunan kemitraan 600 juta: tim hadiah
50% diblokir oleh kontrak smart selama 6 bulan.
50% diblokir selama 12 bulan
600 juta: penasihat dan Duta besar 500 juta: konsultan dan pertukaran 245 juta: Bounty, airdrop dan arahan program Struktur Bonus penjualan token