Simmitri is made for the energy economy of the future. Returns the "balance of power" and was born in elite company known as Simmitri while photovoltaic ( with a mission to continue building a strong public relations because it moves into the 21st century. Simmitri can quickly trace the relationship and driven by artificial intelligence (AI) and provides the self-sufficiency and the distribution network and delivered via the Internet of Things (IoT) is a technology chain block.
Simmitry is the currency cryptograph created in "SimBox" was created to balance the consumer, proumers and utility. Each device acts as a node on the network. We call this energy stuff, but Simmitri provides call that can complement Your building based on improved performance. Energy conservation efforts in the building of generating negative kilowatt hours ("?"). SimBox "Negawatts" will automatically convert the output of a DRIVER'S LICENSE tokens can be used for financial gain are programmed to remind to manual controls, built-in artificial intelligence software to automatically handle energy-saving requirements you concentrate on smaller you can.
However, the SIM card will reduce the energy consumption of individual consumers and prosumers is distributed to those in need and provide the incentive that we all can say traces taken by nature.
Founded in 1995 as a family-owned company, Simmitri started by serving the people with quality roofing, construction and electrical Services. As a Master roofer Elite with GAF Materials Corporation, it was a natural progression to the Sun. Photovoltaic business Simmitri has developed into an energy efficiency services focused on corporate customers. We have installed and serviced thousands of electric energy through the loading panel serves more than 4,000 customers in California, Central California.
Customer service and always logging company trademarks and is part of the process of business growth. When we survey our customers, we learn about the fundamental issues of the daily energy efficiency. The collection of data points from users is the most important for artificial intelligence as a new service from Simmitri. When analyzing user behavior data with different energy prediction data points; Best practices demonstrated to preserve or produce energy through the time, weather, location, suppliers, and many other data. Provides comprehensive energy analysis allows a customer (participant) to get the best rewards in a systematic way.
In March 2017, Simmitri recruited a team of blind-block core of experts to research and develop innovative strategies for integrating intelligent and smart contracts and integrate energy management systems approach. Our extensive background in the renewable energy market far beyond our competitive edge in the world of new and exciting energy delivery. Before integrating the technology blocks, I think it would be better to lay the groundwork for the start-up energy block-based chains rather than the energy
Q1 2018
- Design, technical and production line strategy specs for Simibox
- Primary and secondary rules roster for SIMI AI functions
- Simmitri Token (SIM) applied to be listed on crytpocurrency exchange(s)
- Customer wallet (dashboard) finalized for earnings and transfers
- Integration testing of blockchain and data collection in open API networks
- Established market maturity for implementation and partners (analysis)
- Manufactured Simibox prototype v.01
- Launch smart home incubator program
- Beta testing of local market sample group
Q4 2018
- Integration of Simibox into current client list and pipeline
- Analysis of deep metrics from beta testers
- Applications filed for state incentives for renewable energy providers
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Author: Ghaniindependen
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