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Sabtu, 31 Maret 2018

RealCasino Harnesses The Power Of Decentralized Smart Contract To Provide Global Platform Casino

RealCasino Harnesses The Power Of Decentralized Smart Contract To Provide Global Platform Casino


As the founder of the first Live Roulette TV (NetplayTV PLC), our new RealCasino project build with a tradition of innovation and unique solution live games for the mass market participation. We believe strongly that crypto-based casino will prove a major disruption to the online industry and change the types of games into a process that is safe, transparent, and highly trusted. We have a team of expert developers, technology, focus and determination to become a major provider in the rapidly growing world of online gambling innovation.

The future of crypto-based casino

Bitcoin & Ethereum has changed the online industry and removed the need for service providers, payment processing companies, hosting server, certification and many other suppliers in the chain. This would result in substantially lower operating costs for the operator and truly fair and thus better opportunities for players.

Land-based Casinos Online & usually operate around 90-97% return to player. Crypto casinos offer 99.9% return to player and thus disturbing the market-once the players find a higher Bonus ratio created by these lower costs they just will not return to the on-line operators was established.

Soon the player base will better understand crypto technology, and would be comfortable with a private crypto Wallet functionality, then we believe that players will migrate en mass to the crypto platform.

While many people today realize the BitCoin, virtual currency, such as Ethereum has better scalability and growing faster, by us  "CHIP"  "in this environment we believe we will be perfectly positioned for fish spawn provide a dynamic and creative platform it exponentially expands the market.

Mobile once viewed only as a niche in the casino industry and now dominates, especially because of the power of modern smart device available. Crypto based casinos will soon become the dominant platform, and this is a very good point in time to use this awesome opportunity for success.  Smartphone + deals + game + Contactless crypto = the only way is up!

Our Mission

Our mission is to harness the power of decentralized Smart contract to provide global platform that provides casino games that players usually expect (slots, table games, dice and Live game) give the game experience transparent end in real time (consumers are not ready to wait a few seconds for the results of the game). ' NoiseNodes ' is our unique hardware based distributed nodes, which resulted in a number of the truly random based on optical quantum generations, through a system of propriety. A number of nodes receive remuneration through Payment ( "fuel ") if ' NoiseNode ' is requested to deliver results. The Casino platform does not have a control which nodes are used and thus completely distanced from the results. Our smart contracts supported app gives seed to the player who then in turn used to deliver results in real time for the game. This is important-it delivers a truly random by autonomous nodes beyond our control.


The challenges are many, but recently, the changes of international AML regulations terrorism funding & has added very pressure, especially for online gambling and casino industry remains. First of all, the assets are stored and used for the purpose of online are often influenced by unexpected chargebacks and manipulation. This fact affects the reputation of the industry the most.

Trusted third party platform is required for almost all current financial transactions, which resulted in transaction costs and commissions higher and slow down the process. Each player a key element-transparency, missing and virtual the item property of the player can be used only in a specific platform, as well as manipulated and lost. The currency is in most cases not easily transferable and are usually intended to be used in a single game. In the case of a player who prohibited, that player will lose all currencies or goods that invested before, except in a highly deregulated environment. This is a tradition known centered and locked platform.

On the other hand, the new decentralized platform still has no standard rule when it comes to currencies and other assets in the game world and the user does not know what to expect, therefore they are refraining from taking the unknown risk. Also, there is a connection with a  "real world"  "and the player doesn't get in return for a contribution, participation and winning the game. However, we are here with an innovative solution to this problem.

Sale token
Hard hat 30,000 ETH
The total number of token 4800 M chip
Base price of the Token is 1 ETH = 100,000 CHIPS
Market capitalisation was $20 million *.
Pre sales
Pre-sale institution 1ETH = 130 000 CHIPS
Public ETH 1 = 120,000 102,000 CHIP
A Total turnover of as much as 1 ETH = 100,000 CHIPS
Token ERC20 Yes
On 25 January. ICO personal sales
February 10, ICO advance booking
The launch date of February 23, ICO
Public distribution within 30 days from the


Author : Ghaniindependen
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My ETH wallet :

NYNJA Allows Users To Communicate In Any Way They Choose, From A Device

NYNJA Allows Users To Communicate In Any Way They Choose, From A Device


NYNJA App is the app communication first in the world to combine the following unique features on one integrated platform:

  • Cross-platform support on some phones and computer operating systems;
  • Open source platform for other developers to create interesting applications in application NYNJA;
  • Offer a gateway to global e-commerce is supported by our own cryptographic sign, NYNJACoin;
  • Operate your own tokens to the completion method ondemand service and virtual labor;
  • Users will have their own data; and
  • These and other features make this app is truly unique, first of its kind, cross platform applications.
NYNJA App aims to harness the power of user-based messaging applications such as not successfully done before — and integrated with the platform that allows users to:
  • Communicating in any way they chose, from the device;
  • Organize your personal and professional life;
  • Get NYNJACoin through the transaction of goods and services with other users;
  • Use it for business purposes, increase productivity in the field of employment; and
  • Eliminate spam and other unwanted intrusion

NYNJA App was created to address some of the key perceived shortcomings and gaps currently exist with apps:
  • Lack of significant innovation-most applications currently on the market were created between 2009 and 2014
  • Restrictions on regional-applications available today that good Global but too basic (for example, WhatsApp) or more complicated But Regional focused/locked (for example, lines and WeChat) • no combined personal and business solutions-current Apps have been mostly focused on personal use and some on business use
  • There is no platform for commercialization-apps currently available enable users and entrepreneurs alike to monetize their existing knowledge and available resources
  • No inherent business model-apps currently largely depend on advertising for revenue, placing unnecessary user data at risk

One stop service designed to meet the current needs in the mobile user's mailbox:

  • NYNJA innovating at all levels of user experience through digital, global, cryptocurrency-backed ecosystem.
  • Global NYNJA in essence — not just in function but in culture and strategy, led by experienced international team.
  • NYNJA allows you to separate your personal and Business life to multiple accounts simultaneously in one app.
  • NYNJA App allows users to get NYNJACoin with the help of other users and sell virtual service.
  • NYNJA has a clear business model that combines the income of individual users and entrepreneurs, tiered subscription for business, and the Commission for the user from smart contracts for digital goods and services.

Global communicate, interact and transact business easily without language barriers and on your own terms.

NYNJA's strategies for STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE NYNJA App can be summarized in six key components:

  1. communication applies to become a mobile app in the global market
  2. to start the sale of Tokens, generate NYNJACoin to allow users to conduct transactions freely within NYNJA App without the need for external payments
  3. methodsproviders
  4. to become the preferred platform for communicating and transacting of global NYNJACoin 4. to improve the network, minimizing the impact of losing users and the increasing rate of adoption among our user base
  5. to contribute to the open source community through NYNJA Protocol (already active on Github), encourage openness
  6. to partner with industry leaders to integrate their Services, thus improving the user experience of App NYNJA mission
To create an integrated communications mobile app enables users to communicate, buy, sell and trade without language barriers by providing automatic translation between users in the market cryptocurrency decentralization.


NYNJA trying to attract users to the App doesn't NYNJA because it has applications that are new and trendy, but because NYNJA believes presents a solution that is better than the existing application to communicate, conduct transactions, and do business . NYNJA hope that users will be to spread the word about NYNJA App because once they experienced the revolutionary functions provide, they will want to share with friends, family, and co-workers. We aim to continually innovate, respond to customer feedback, and – most importantly – to anticipate what our customers will need in the future. This is where applications have fallen short, leads us to believe that the App will penetrate NYNJA markets with rapid and extensive way.



Market conditions for the introduction of NYNJA is ideal to fully integrated communication app with built-in digital market:
  • Messaging application now bigger than social networking.
  • Leave a message apps that only do one thing, NYNJA will have many functions and features which effectively make email obsolete.
  • NYNJACoin will participate in the e-commerce market including:
• freelancer: $1.5 trillion industry
• share economy: $335 billion industry 2025
• digital currencies: 727 billion industry (on 11 January 2018)
  • Mobile messaging Applications have hundreds of millions of monthly active users. The falling price of data, the device is cheaper, and improved features help propel their growth.
  • The message this apps are getting about much more than just private chat. Although the first phase of the revolution chat app focuses on growth, the next phase will focus on building out the service and get the user base.
  • Some messaging application such as WeChat, KakaoTalk, and line has found innovative ways to keep the users involved when developing a strategy to monetize their services.
  • Given that most apps were created before 2014, users need and demand more functions and features than there were even a few years ago.
  • Media companies and marketers continue to invest more time and resources in the social network than mail service. But this is expected to change as the message companies improve their services and provide more ways to connect publishers and advertisers with the user.


Total NYNJACoins. 5 billion is expected to be published in blockchain the Ethereum using smart contracts. NYNJA intends to make token 2.25 billion available for sale the Token. Any NYNJACoins that have not been sold during the sales of Tokens will be destroyed permanently and total supply the token will always adjusted. NYNJACoin will be in accordance with the ERC20 standard and will be free to be moved hand over at the Ethereum platform. NYNJACoin ownership does not indicate ownership of any company. NYNJA won't pay dividends and holders of NYNJACoin will not have the right, or getting payment, benefits, again, interest or income from their ownership.


To develop a road map NYNJA sales, we'll do a Token offer to sell 2.25 billion NYNJACoins. Expected token allocation details are reflected in the table below. The token for the advisors, community development, founders and shareholders will have a lock-up period.

More Information About NYNJA:
Telegram Bounty:

Author: Ghaniindependen
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Jumat, 30 Maret 2018

Evareium Tokens

Mengapa menggunakan Evareum?
Sektor real estate Dewan Kerjasama Teluk menawarkan kesempatan besar untuk investasi kelembagaan, yang biasanya mencakup hanya 20% dari aset kelembagaan real estat, dibandingkan dengan 70% di pasar berkembang. Selain itu, kami memilih pilihan untuk memenuhi risiko global / reward kriteria.


Dalam kemitraan dengan Blockchain ahli terkemuka, kami telah menciptakan 150,000,000 EVM token dengan tujuan investasi minimal $ 90 juta modal dalam aset dipilih real estat dan proyek-proyek di Dubai / UAE dan di tempat lain, dengan target investasi tahunan kuat.


Kami memiliki tim kepemimpinan dan Dewan Penasihat (lebih dari 10 profesional yang memiliki track record yang serupa di real estate investasi, ekuitas pribadi, pengelolaan dana, aset upgrade dan manajemen.

Lanjutan Keuntungan Investor Dengan EVAREIUM

EVM melalui kepentingan-kepentingan ekonomi aset / investasi-investasi incom hasil akuisisi portofolio, hasil sewa yang dihasilkan dan keuntungan pada pembuangan.

EVT melalui intrinsik build-up sebagai tanda satu arah dan sebagai tulang punggung untuk transaksional mengalir melalui portofolio aset dengan potensi aplikasi pihak ketiga (saat ini dalam diskusi dengan pihak properti 90 mengelola) untuk penggunaan yang lebih luas di luar Vaureium's portfolio real estate.

Peluang Pasar

Ini menghasilkan struktur permodalan yang terfragmentasi dan lemah, terputus-putus kepemilikan dengan perbedaan besar dalam kualitas produk dan penawaran layanan, dan kurangnya disiplin manajemen dan standar kualitas tinggi produk dan keselamatan.

Ketika GCC menjadi seperti negara maju lainnya, dan melembagakan.

Sektor real estate, senilai US $ 2 triliun dalam modal kelembagaan dalam dekade mendatang, membawa kesempatan besar untuk M & A. Selain itu, Bagian dari peningkatan tajam atau musim gugur yang dialami oleh industri real estate GCC telah matang, untuk sebagian besar, bobot menang pada pra-penjualan real estat dan ritel pemilik orang, yang biasanya tidak memiliki kelembagaan dan kelembagaan kelembagaan lebih. Permainan segera membantu untuk memperkuat pasar dan pasar tumbuh secara eksponensial.

Melalui kombinasi dari manajemen kuat, risiko prinsip dana dana terbukti dan keamanan melekat kontrak Blockchain memberikan token, hukum kita dapat meminimalkan dan memberikan nilai tambah kepada pemilik EVM, sementara investor non-tradisional untuk berpartisipasi dalam ekuitas swasta dan memberikan Model yang kami telah mengumpulkan REIT unik.


Bersama dengan penerbitan EVM kepada investor, kami akan mengeluarkan kepada pelanggan EVA utilitas token, EVT, sebagai bonus kredit, yang akan dibayarkan kepada EVM ITO. Manfaat yang dihasilkan dari nilai intrinsik dan diimplementasikan sebagai teknologi EVT dan Blockchain di real estat aset pada dasarnya terdiri dari aset yang memanfaatkan nilai harga sewa dan transaksi aset tambahan. Nilai kumulatif EVT adalah penggunaannya dan diintegrasikan ke dalam operasi pabrik nyata.

Evair melanggar investasi manajemen Ltd (EIM) yang bertujuan untuk memainkan peran utama dalam pengembangan kelembagaan sektor real estate GCC oleh investasi ekuitas pribadi dalam investasi berfokus pada risiko real estat dan berinvestasi dalam lembaga REIT yang mengintegrasikan token struktur-disiplin, lembaga manajemen untuk menambahkan nilai aset dan investasi tidak likuid cetak-matang di sangat likuid memproduksi signifikan kembali (ekuitas swasta yaitu bukti dibagi menjadi sekuriti yang diperdagangkan sangat scalable model melalui).

Dengan membeli dan menjual tanda-tanda EVM, investor — dengan cara — dijual dan fractionated Underlying investasi properti penjualan, yang dapat menjadi cepat, efektif biaya, pribadi, dapat diandalkan dan bertukar, gratis untuk membeli dan menyediakan investor dengan mereka melalui ERC20 halus. Platform kontrak adalah disesuaikan dan disesuaikan untuk EVM ditetapkan.

Token dijual
ICO rilis pertama

  • Token dijual: 30.000.000 hanya dalam rilis ini
  • Tanggal mulai: 1 Maret 2018
  • Tanggal selesai: 5 April 2018
  • Harga: awalnya US$ 0,85 per 1 EVM token (mencerminkan 15% diskon untuk nilai nominal US$ 1) perubahan oleh 1,25 persentase poin setiap 7-hari ke 10% akhirnya dalam minggu 5 sampai akhir rilis tranche ini.
BONUS kredit untuk EVT: 50% dari 1 sampai 7 Maret:
  • 45% dari 8-14 Maret
  • 40% dari 15 hingga 22 Maret
  • 35% dari 23-29 Maret
  • 30% dari 30 Maret hingga April 5
Tanda-tanda yang dikeluarkan: Periksa beberapa hari setelah KYC/AML standar (ke dompet platform)

Rilis ICO kedua
  • Token dijual: UNLIMITED
  • Tanggal mulai: 6 April, 2018
  • Tanggal selesai: 30 April dan terus-menerus pada kebijaksanaan Emiten
  • Harga: US$ 1 per EVM token untuk nilai nominal US$ 1
  • BONUS kredit untuk EVT: 30% dari 6 hingga 12 April
25% dari 13-19 April
15% dari 19 April dan seterusnya 'til akhir ITO (diperpanjang seperti yang diperlukan)

Tanda-tanda yang dikeluarkan: Periksa beberapa hari setelah standar KYC/AML

Menerima mata uang: BTC, ETH

Token standar: Ethereum ERC 20 melalui kontrak smart

Token distribusi
  • Tranching:
Pra-awal Token menawarkan ("ITO") dikeluarkan pada nilai 30% diskon 30,000,000 EVM kemudian dikeluarkan pada 15% diskon geser ke nilai nominal hingga akhir 110,000,000 EVM tranche di par (terjual token dibakar)
  • Pendiri 's EVM:
Pendiri akan membuat tersedia EVM 10.000.000 tambahan, 25% yang menjadi terkunci-in dari penjualan 5-tahun untuk menyelaraskan penciptaan nilai bunga dengan investor.
  • Insentif:
Awal EVM investor menerima diskon di atas dan hak istimewa lainnya sedang berlangsung sebagai mitra pilihan, seperti aset investasi peluang dan pemberitahuan pertama lebih lanjut token rilis pada TARIF istimewa dan paling penting untuk 2018, gratis bonus token penerbitan ke dompet Evareium Blockchain Utility Token ("EVT").

Sukses investor di EVM ITO akan juga segera mendapatkan kredit bebas terhadap EVT — token berikutnya Evareium berencana untuk memulai segera ke 2018 — silakan merujuk ke bagian Roadmap untuk timeline. Investor EVM yang menjaga token EVM mereka dalam dompet asli mereka akan memanfaatkan EVT token sekali diluncurkan dan dikeluarkan pada tahun 2018. Jumlah bonus EVTs menerima akan lebih besar, sebelumnya investor berlangganan selama proses EVM ITO.



Komite Penasihat


Untuk informasi lebih lanjut kunjungi kami di sini:

Penulis: Ghaniindependen
Btt profil saya:
Dompet ETH:

Orbis Allows Customers To Do Their Banking, Payment, And Invest In Cryptocurrency And All In One Place

Orbis Allows Customers To Do Their Banking, Payment, And Invest In Cryptocurrency And All In One Place


The future represents simplicity and Automation Services! Orbis money transfers all over the world and investment is the future!

We came up with the concept of quick, easy and cheap, investment and financial transactions
Marketing services that carry out User Friendly services through smart marketing in all social classes. Our team vision is creating a new worldwide financial branch, based on decentralized technology block-chain.

Orbis company will provide innovative transfer, payment and use investment services signs cryptocurrency and chain block technology. This technology is combined with mobile and computer software, will give the man a chance to make money transfers, investment and payment using our
Self-service machines, as well as the smartphone and personal computer with internet

Payment methods using the mobile NFC technology and debit card offered by the company Orbis will be the next step in reducing the flow of cash money out of the market.

Free wireless points of sale offered would help small merchants, entrepreneurs, self-employed, small as well as large business owners, receive payments for their products and services.

As we all know many projects cryptocurrency and systems, such as the Viacoin, Bitcoin, and many others, offer only a virtual service.

Orbis team intends to open physical branches all around the world that will have the standalone ATM machine and a type of virtual reality Table customer service that will automatically provide monetary deposits, withdrawals, transfers, and payment service investment.

Orbis team will provide professional marketing and investment services based on the contract smart software that helps startup companies develop.

Have young, generous vision, we will also help the community, bring technology
a place where people can't afford and help people in need.

ORBIS, the future of the descentralized money transfer, payment and investment

Unable to cryptocurrencies trade between ordinary, everyday users will require significant rethinking what services cryptocurrency provides.

ORBIS systems can provide this on a 24 hour basis, either online or in-person at ORBIS
branch. This will allow people to access benefits which cryptocurrencies provide them, including transaction costs are low, there is no limit, the payment transactions quickly and removal of geopolitical barriers to payment.

About 4 million people using cryptocurrencies on a daily basis, with the amount growing each day and is expected to exceed 300 million in 2030. Satisfying this market is quite possibly the biggest financial opportunity in recent decades.

ORBIS system aims to be the best to do this.

ICO overview, roadmap and investment team

ORBIS team works hard to ensure that they provide a useful service to the world. Our goal is to make life easier for every one of our customers.

We intend to do this by releasing the payment platform with a number of futuristic novels feature that will allow customers to do their
banking, payment, and invest in cryptocurrency and all in one place.

In the stage of pre-ICO (from 20 to 31 January) we offer you a 30% bonus for all

Our team aims to release a platform by July 1 2018; However, we will release 50 million signs before the launch, with a starting price of $0.5 US dollars. If the target minimum capital would not have reached all funds will be returned to the buyer

Marketing strategy

Orbis is aiming to provide financial access previously unbanked 3 million people in Latin America, Asia and Africa 2020 with partnerships between third parties (banks) who may provide personal banking solutions service can be accessed.

Project Orbis will offer the opportunity for earlier for people to have a debit card, Smartphone with Orbis payment Mobile app, barcode and QR code check, through
Philanthropic projects financed by the profits of the company.

The Bank and the current payment is being done by individuals have shown transfer method many human error that can be annoying and time consuming for clients.

The amount a person can transfer will be limited to do in one way or two way direction, prevent fraud and deception.

Orbis has been designing a secure system that will be established at Orbis branches worldwide with an Independent ATM machines, robots and cyberspace chats may be overtaking time and human error problem.

Our team continues to work on developing new features before release that can reduce many people's lives and make new sense is also developing other businesses new, helps people who run their own start-up easier.

More information on Project Orbis please visit the Web site and social media below:

Author : Ghaniindependen
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AdSigma Help Publishers And Advertisers To Get The Best Out Of Online Advertising

AdSigma Help Publishers And Advertisers To Get The Best Out Of Online Advertising

AdSigma Digital display advertising platform is the next generation of careful driving blockchain technology to revolutionize digital display advertising space.

We aim to disrupt the existing digital advertising space and address significant problems it faces, such as the Commission does not make sense, the lack of power and lack of negotiating options for publishers and advertisers. In an industry in which ad networks have an income of more than $200 billion, we recognize the need to provide alternative work platform supports advertisers and publishers with zero cost.

All ADSi token holders will experience quality service and will benefit from various perquisites holding our signs. We firmly believe in the idea and have confidence in our vision. With our team members come from a variety of fields such as finance, software development, digital and advertising blockchain cryptography, we have reached a competitive market position, and we've been on the road to turn our vision into reality.

Our Vision

We, at AdSigma, aims to restructure the existing settings in the business model by removing the need for intermediaries that exist in the form of an ad network, and help publishers and advertisers to get the best out of online advertising. We want to give benefits publishers and advertisers receive from ad networks but without making them pay for it and to let them enjoy the privileges of B2B models together.

How to use Blockchain technology will benefit?

To achieve our goal, we will use the technology blockchain, which is one of the most valued technology lately. Blockchain is a distributed system of ledger that can efficiently record a transaction between two parties.

Blockchain is best known for the quality of safety A-I-v:

  • Authenticity
  • Irreversibility
  • The validity of characteristics marked for transactions
We can use this technology to fulfill our vision of establishing a direct contract between the advertiser and the Publisher. While blockchain will ensure secure transactions between Parties, we will make sure that ad agencies and make sure that the appropriate ads will be displayed on Publisher properties. We will remove any ad content does not comply with the standard. Since the contract would go on blockchain and consideration will be cryptocurrency, i.e., ADSi token, there is a chance there are default of

advertisers, and because there is evidence of legitimate transactions made between two parties, the Publisher reserves the right to accept the ADSi token to display ads. With time, we will be able to expand to a wider audience, and we can ensure a better deal for both parties.

Because we believe in the power of open source projects, we want to help this economy to operate on its own without intervention from ad networks and end up at zero Commission fees. Therefore, the Publisher will retain 100% of the ad revenue. Advertising costs will reduce the advertisers as well. Furthermore, they can develop relationships and get into more contracts in the future. The Publisher has the advantage of not only choose the ads that he wants to be shown but also choose the advertisers fit.

Token AdSigma (ADSi)

AdSigma Token (ADSi) is a utility that can be used to buy digital display advertising across the web app properties, and publishers can monetize their applications using the websites of AdSigma platform (they get paid in ADSi token).

This platform is based on the contract Smart Ethereum, which ensures secure transactions based on the parameters set by the participants (advertisers and publishers) themselves.

Blockchain technology ensures that one entity alone cannot control the platform. This decentralized system to prevent the possibility of any manipulation of the data and ensure that no one can interfere with the transaction or the giving of preference or privilege to an advertiser or Publisher over another. This network is verified and maintained by each participant and all the participants together.

Fast-growing Digital advertising market

Previously we mentioned the size and growth potential of the digital advertising market. In the section labeled  "business case " we stated that digital ad revenue for Google and Facebook combined, topped $100 billion in 2017 and further grow consistently. ADSI is based on growing Digital advertising market, and the market will continue to grow in size, resulting in a surge in the value of the ADSi. ADSi's value will be based on the digital advertising market and the activities in the network. ADSi provides the potential to be one of the signs of the strongest in the virtual ecosystem Ethereum, because will not be affected by local and external regulatory factors in the global economy.

Create value for advertisers and publishers

Businesses that help other businesses to grow the typical do in the market. Take the example of Uber; They help car drivers to earn a great income by connecting them to customers through their applications, and as a result the Uber founded the company a billion dollars without actually have car-car. In the same way, if a Publisher is also paid for their content creation, they will have the financial freedom to make better quality content without worrying about the high costs of the network, and as a result, AdSigma will develop eventually.

ADSI values those publishers that focus on the quality of their content, because they represent a community centered on the customer. Our network will change the mindset of the publisher who will now see the ad network-based blockchain as a valuable asset that can generate a great income

ADSI token-early coin offers

Token distribution

ADSI issued Tokens will be distributed in the following way:

  • Technical aspects
After completing the campaigns of ICO, we plan to issue the standard token ERC20. ADSI
The token will have the following properties in the AdSigma platform:

  • Lifetime use of AdSigma products
The holder of a token with signs of ADSi 75,000 or more will have access to our add-on product,
(which we will launch in the future) at free of cost for an indefinite period of time during
where token is the ADSi was held.

  • Vote for new features
ADSI token holder has the right to choose (1 votes equals 1 token) to determine the features that should be applied for the builders company. In this way, thanks to blockchain, the decision
about the development of functional products made and executed transparently for all
users of AdSigma platform. There will be an online application where all individual ADSi holder
can choose to decide new features.
  • Paying for digital display advertising using the AdSigma platform
The use of the AdSigma platform is paid using ADSi token.

  • date of pre-sale: 5 April, 2018 at 10.00 UTC
  • Sales date crowd: 20 April 2018 10:00 UTC
  • Total hard cap: 19,000 ETH = 60 million ADSi
  • Soft cap: 15%
  • Pre-sale: 15 million ADSi = 4,000 ETH
  • During the pre-sales, 1 ETH = 3.750 ADSi
  • Sale Token: 45 million ADSi = 15,000 ETH

For More Information

Author : Ghaniindependen
My Profile Btt :
My ETH wallet :

Kamis, 29 Maret 2018

GRON DIGITAL Boost Justice And Confidence In The Sector OfGaming By Using Blockchain Technology

GRON DIGITAL Boost Justice And Confidence In The Sector OfGaming By Using Blockchain Technology


The size of the set of global online Gaming and betting market was $45.86 billion in 2016. Estimates show an increase of up to $56.05 billion in 2018. There are no solid data on the size of the illegal market but is estimated around $200-$400 billion a year, four to ten times larger. The relative size of the ' legitimate ' and licensed betting activities perpetuate negative connotations because the Government is trying to regulate and tax the industry. However, help is at hand and there is a general consensus that the nature of decentralization and the certainty of transactions through blockchain technology industry by forcing NeXTMail going naughty and underground online casinos to legitimize their operations. The industry is ripe for rehabilitation as a human rights and consumer protection controls become more feasible with the advent of new methods of doing business.

Recognized that Gron Digital will not be the first to market with the concept of Justice and increase confidence in the sector of gaming by using the blockchain technology. However, we believe we will be the first to take advantage of smart contracts across the entire gaming value chain with a unique way to ensure that data are collected and stored useful that can be excavated to provide a better understanding of the market and the drivers associated with it. Smart contracts in the environment is self executing treaty Ethereum which requires no user intervention, where the agreed terms of the contract between the parties directly written into the lines of code changed.

This means that the transaction between the parties occur automatically and under rules that have been set and rules that can not be avoided. This also means that with the lock on the second layer protocol, the transaction is recorded in real time with metadata that records the parameters associated with the parties to the transaction to create a database of the partners for the transaction and their actions. This database is the key to understand the value proposition that Gron Digital brings to the market as it will play a role in the design of the scheme of comprehensive loyalty or affiliation within the community of token GRO. Database will also be a resource that is very valuable to operators and suppliers to understand their target market. This will give them an advantage over their competitors because it will allow them to improve their offering services based on user demographics and statistics. It will also provide a sustainable income stream Digital Gron as the information will only be available to subscribers to the service. More about this later.

This platform because it will not only bring benefits inherent trust, transparency and certainty for our economy but will also improve the mode of doing business, making them more efficient and accessible to the provider of the game.

Gron Digital created the platform gambling and Betting transactions where managed code cryptography that can be verified without human intervention. Digital Gaming Platform Gron is a secure, transparent, can be audited and fair in Blockchain. Smart contracts we act as agent for an autonomous trust. The platform is operated by token utilities – called GRO. GRO used by participants in Exchange for the value and service that they provide. Service providers, betting, casino operator, affiliates, regulators and players are a few examples of the participants in the ecological system of the Digital Gron.

The advantages of Digital Gron Includes all lines:

  • Transparency
  • The protection. Licensed
  • Payment Guaranteed
  • Easy Payment Methods
The owner of the
  • White Label Solution
  • The method of payment that is guaranteed
  • Easy Payment Facilities
  • Payment only for services that are consumed
The maker of betting
  • Easy Payment Methods
  • There is no bill back
  • Results results Handal &
  • Transparency with regulators and Player
  • Easy integration
  • Exposure To The Market
  • Use of the guaranteed payment
  • Transparent Audit Trail
  • Dispute resolution
  • Licensing and KYC
Odds & Results Provider
  • Guaranteed Payment for the provision of Services
  • Integrated Platform
  • Exposure To The Market
  • Guaranteed and Instant Payment
  • The sustainability of the business
  • The Resolution Of The Reactivation Of The Players
Bank Roller
  • Risk Reward for Backing
  • Instant Payments
  • Transparent Audit Trail
For more details about Gron Digital watch the Video below:

Digital Gron primary has several advantages compared to its competitors. Founder of Digital Gron have skills that are relevant in this industry:
  • We are a manufacturer and official Licensed service providers to the industry of Gaming;
  • We have the knowledge and direct experience in the domain of Gaming and Betting;
  • We have the IT infrastructure, the skills required, management and team of developers who are required to implement the project efficiently; and
  • We have certified gambling and Betting products are used in a production environment.


There are many factors that affect the betting and gaming industry adversely. On the front lines, it is a matter of trust. Without confidence people hesitate to Transact. Trust affects all aspects of the industry from fair game, to the leading operators, up to systems that store and manage customer deposits their victory. The current mechanism is based on the model of intervention and the control of man, the lure of cheating and dishonesty. Therefore, players are faced with challenges that lead to distrust. Common industry issues will be discussed below.
  • Depositsa and retraction when players make a deposit into the account of the game, which is controlled by a third party, often there are delays that accompany it. Deposits are often take a long time to reflect or sometimes failed to reflect at all
  • Fair competition Monopoly is characterized by the absence of competition. This means that a monopoly can be initiated a high cost to the consumer, the product is inferior, and often-corrupt behavior, forcing individuals to develop a level of distrust.
  • Trusted service provider Issues that should be addressed is the issue of licensing. Players who visit and register with a variety of service providers, it may not always be able to distinguish between legal and illegal operators. This makes the player confused and deceived.
  • Fair Gaming products offered Are fair? Will a person be treated ethically and professionally? From the perspective of development and software, Gaming and Betting products have not evolved significantly. Regardless of the development costs, the company must ensure that Gaming Laboratories declaring their gaming products to conform to the practice of fair game before entering the market.
  • Random Number generator and back to player precentage other issues often discussed is the issue of the Random Number Generator (RNG). A simple example of the RNG is the lottery. Lottery participants are forced to believe that software code or physical devices that produce winning number totally random
  • Pari mutuel betting (Betting pool) Par-mutuel betting Problems different from the fixed-odds betting since last payment is only determined after the pool is closed, whereas on the bet anyway.

14,000 GRO will be sold for 1 ETH, this includes the allocation of 40% bonus for participants in this round. Turn will last for twenty-eight days or until the ceiling is reached.
  • First round: 13,000 GRO will be sold for 1 ETH, this includes the allocation of bonus 30% for participants in this round. Turn will last for fourteen days or until the ceiling is reached.
  • Second round: 12,000 GRO will be sold for 1 ETH, this includes the allocation of bonus of 20% for participants in this round. Turn will last for fourteen days or until the ceiling is reached.
  • Third round: 11,000 GRO will be sold for 1 ETH, this includes the allocation of 10% bonus for participants in this round. Turn will last for fourteen days or until the ceiling is reached.
  • Fourth round: 10,000 GRO will be sold for 1 ETH. This round will last for fourteen days or until the ceiling is reached.
Funds raised during the pre-launch phase of ICO and ICO will be allocated as follows:
  • 50%-software development;
  • 5% – legal and financial Framework;
  • 15%-operation;
  • 10%-marketing;
  • 15%-Advisor;
  • 5%-Contingencies.
The remaining 40% of the GRO, a maximum of 380,000 (three hundred and eight million tokens), will be handled by contract GROVesting. sol as follows:
  • 40%-Bankroll (soon available);
  • 30% Incentive Bonus & Team (available after 26 weeks from the date of ICO ends);
  • 15%-founder (available after 52 weeks from the date of ICO ends);
  • 15%-founder (available after 104 weeks from the date of ICO ends).


Digital Gron, along with other early adopters, seeks to radically change the way in which people make transactions and the exchange of value for goods and services online. We are a firm believer in the power of Blockchain and in the Ethereum's Protocol and in addition we are confident that our particular knowledge, experience, and capacity in the gaming industry stands us in good stead to become the leading Gaming market and the betting Platform. Through innovation and foresight, we are going to disrupt the online betting market in a meaningful and positive way and thus build the games ecosystem more responsible and sustainable.

Given the history and mismanaged corporations and institutions that have plagued functions and public confidence, we are very happy to be a contributor to more just and fair gaming ecosystem that will counter the monopoly and centralized structure. Blockchain is the ideal solution to address the fundamental issues of openness and trust while at the same time improve our understanding of the players and operators that contribute to its success. The future of online gaming and betting have never seemed so remarkable and promising. Gron Digital wish to build a gaming Platform that blends the winner and linking the various parties in this profitable industry to ensure sustainable growth and prosperity for all.

Value proposition, offered to the industry through token utilities and Protocol, we will provide the industry with a comprehensive solution to the various problems faced by the operator, developer and regulator players today. Through this detailed conceptual writing, we believe that the skills and special attention to the needs of our industry serves as a tool that allows us to bring this revolutionary Platform into the world of Gaming and betting.

For more information please join the website and social media Digital Gron below:

Author : Ghaniindependen
My Profile Btt :
My ETH wallet :

Rabu, 28 Maret 2018

Safein Token Memproses Pembayaran Dengan Tidak Ada Komisi.

Safein Token Memproses Pembayaran Dengan Tidak Ada Komisi.

Safein adalah berbasis blockchain tunggal terusan dompet digital keamanan, kenyamanan dan kepercayaan bagi pelanggan kami. Dengan Safein, pengguna dapat dengan mudah menunjukkan identitas sejati mereka online mana diperlukan, membuat pembayaran instan serta mengontrol tingkat data pribadi yang diberikan kepada berbagai penyedia layanan.

Tentang Safein

Safein adalah satu terusan dompet digital keamanan, kenyamanan dan kepercayaan untuk klien kami.
Safein alamat hari ini masalah dalam transaksi e-commerce dan cryptocurrency dengan menawarkan satu-klik masuk, verifikasi dan pembayaran fungsionalitas.

Untuk pengguna, Safein berarti:
  • Lebih pendaftaran di beberapa situs web;
  • Tidak ada lagi menunggu untuk mendapatkan KYC dilakukan untuk setiap situs / ICO;
  • Pembayaran yang terpercaya, mudah dan cepat dalam fiat dan cryptos;
  • Meningkatkan perlindungan privasi, cybersecurity dan data;
  • Revolusioner arahan program dengan imbalan token.
Untuk pedagang, Safein membawa:
  • Peningkatan kepercayaan dan peningkatan konversi;
  • Mengurangi biaya dukungan pelanggan;
  • Gratis KYCs;
  • Lebih rendah cryptocurrency dan fiat biaya transaksi;
  • Biaya kepatuhan yang lebih rendah dan risiko serta perlindungan pembeli.
Faktor multi mekanisme otentikasi dan Digital mengidentifikasi manajemen

Keamanan harus menjadi fokus utama ketika mengelola identitas dan dompet online. Safein akan memiliki mekanisme otentikasi faktor multi dilaksanakan dari awal. Sementara mengintegrasikan Safein, setiap pedagang akan dapat memilih tingkat keamanan minimum yang ia membutuhkan dari penggunanya. Misalnya, pedagang dapat meminta bahwa seluruh login ke website pedagang dan semua pembayaran harus dikonfirmasi oleh pengguna pada perangkat mobile nya - yaitu (i) pemberitahuan push muncul, (ii) pengguna harus mengidentifikasi dirinya melalui kode pin atau sidik jari pada aplikasi Safein nya mobile dan (iii) pprove login atau pembelian. User (dalam panel nya) juga dapat meningkatkan tingkat keamanan umum untuk setiap situs web secara individual. Misalnya, bahkan jika situs web tertentu tidak memerlukan konfirmasi perangkat mobile untuk login situs web, pengguna dapat selalu meningkatkan tingkat keamanan dengan memungkinkan kebutuhan sendiri.

Dengan Safein, pengguna tidak hanya akan dapat sepenuhnya mengendalikan mereka login dan tindakan, tetapi melacak dan mengelola mereka juga. Pengguna akan dapat melihat mereka aktivitas penuh sejarah, termasuk login dan pembayaran, melacak perangkat mereka digunakan, mengelola sesi login aktif sekarang dan membatalkan mereka setiap saat. Pengguna juga dapat dengan mudah memeriksa situs yang memiliki akses ke data tertentu. Sebagian besar fungsi yang berkaitan dengan manajemen identitas ini sudah tersedia dalam MVP.

Dompet digital dan pembayaran

Safein berencana untuk menjadi EU uang elektronik institusi yang sepenuhnya bebas dengan kemampuan untuk menerima dan memproses pembayaran secara penuh mematuhi hukum. Pengguna akan dapat terus mata uang mereka kripto dan fiat dalam dompet tunggal serta mengkonversi mereka dari satu ke yang lain. Utama kripto mata uang, termasuk Bitcoin, tanda-tanda Ethereum ERC20, dan cryptocurrencies populer lainnya akan didukung. Mata uang asing fungsi, kripto dan fiat, akan menjadi standar untuk semua mata uang dengan markup 0,5% dari tingkat terbaik yang tersedia di pasar. Memiliki lisensi lembaga (EMI) uang elektronik EU akan memungkinkan Safein untuk menghubungkan ke jaringan SEPA dan memberikan kode IBAN untuk semua pengguna kami. Mengalami bahwa tersedia, Safein akan menjadi satu langkah lebih dekat untuk menjadi alat standar untuk penggunaan sehari-hari. Selain itu, Safein berencana untuk memiliki kartu pembayaran terkait dengan akun pengguna, sehingga pengguna akan dapat menggunakan mereka akun Safein setiap hari baik online dan offline.

Komisi Safein e-commerce standar untuk pedagang akan menjadi 1%. Pedagang yang memiliki tanda-tanda Safein akan mampu menerima bagian mereka pembayaran komisi apapun, dan pengguna yang membayar dengan Safein Token akan menerima 0,25% cashback setiap pembelian. Lebih lanjut tentang manfaat token Safein dapat ditemukan di bagian "Token model".

Token Model
  • Gratis pembayaran untuk pedagang yang memegang SFN
  • Setiap aktivitas pengguna Safein dihargai dengan SFN
  • User basis pertumbuhan insentif dengan imbalan murah hati arahan di SFN
Safein token fitur:
  • 100% gratis pembayaran untuk pedagang yang memiliki tanda-tanda Safein
  • Bulanan cashbacks untuk pengguna yang membayar dengan tanda-tanda Safein
  • Login kolam renang untuk incentivize Safein penggunaan antara pengguna dan website
  • Pendaftaran kolam untuk pengguna baru hadiah
  • Kolam arahan untuk menumbuhkan basis pengguna dengan cepat
Arahan Program

Safein mengalokasikan 5% dari total pasokan token untuk Program arahan. Pengguna yang mengundang teman-teman mereka untuk mendaftar di Safein akan dihargai jumlah yang sama Safein bukti bahwa pengguna baru dihargai dari kolam pendaftaran. Untuk lebih jelasnya silahkan lihat bagian pendaftaran Outdoor. Pengguna yang dimaksud hanya akan memberikan teman-teman mereka untuk referral bonus jika mereka memenuhi semua di bawah dalam waktu 90 hari dari pendaftaran:
  • Sepenuhnya diverifikasi account dan identity;
  • At setidaknya $10 senilai kripto atau fiat uang yang disimpan
  • At menghabiskan setidaknya $10 pada barang atau jasa.
Tidak banyak orang tahu bahwa program arahan PayPal adalah faktor kunci untuk sukses. PayPal telah menghabiskan sekitar $60.000.000 pada program arahan mereka dan mencapai 7-10% pertumbuhan harian di awal 2000-an. Program referal adalah kunci untuk pertumbuhan basis pengguna mereka hingga 100 juta pengguna. Safein akan menggunakan strategi yang sama dan tumbuh masyarakat lebih cepat dari setiap proyek lain kripto.

Safein Referral Program direncanakan akan diluncurkan dalam waktu 6 bulan penyelesaian ICO, bagaimanapun, tidak sebelum peluncuran pembayaran.

Token distribusi


Harus ada bagian dari Token yang dialokasikan untuk ICO tidak dibagikan selama ICO, token tersebut akan kembali ke perusahaan dan ditambahkan ke dalam cadangan untuk pengembangan lebih lanjut. Dalam kasus kegagalan untuk mencapai topi, Semua kontribusi akan dikembalikan kepada para pemiliknya yang asli.

NB: semua nilai yang ditunjukkan dalam ETH dalam bab ini adalah berubah sebelum memulai ICO apabila terjadi fluktuasi besar dalam harga pasar dari ETH.

Safein ICO akan membagikan 10% dari total pasokan token untuk menutupi biaya di bawah ini:

  • Pengembangan lebih lanjut dari produk kami;
  • Fungsi pembayaran kripto;
  • Smart kontrak untuk Login kolam;
  • Solusi pembayaran - Safein dengan sistem pengolahan transaksi internal;
  • Memperoleh lisensi EMI;
  • Pedagang - Onboarding minimal 500;
  • Biaya - ICO dan pemasaran.
ICO dana alokasi
  • Mengembangkan cryptocurrency dompet dan pembayaran fungsi
  • Memperoleh lisensi lembaga uang elektronik
  • Launching fiat deposito dan pedagang pembayaran dalam EUR, GBP, USD
  • Memperoleh pertama 500 pertengahan - ke besar - skala pedagang
  • Administrasi, operational dan staf pengeluaran untuk 2 tahun


Untuk informasi lebih lanjut kunjungi link di bawah ini:

Penulis: Ghaniindependen
Btt profil saya:

Dompet ETH:

Selasa, 27 Maret 2018

Uchit-Collaboration And Communication Platform (P2P) Distributed

Uchit-Collaboration And Communication Platform (P2P) Distributed

What Is The Project Uchit?

Uchit is collaboration and communication platform for peer-to-peer (P2P) distributed is designed essentially to improve the way people communicate with each other/to their audience and collaborate with team members. Uchit fully remove middlemen and allows users to directly exchange information through network blockchain. Uchit utilizing ecosystem Ethereum as main platform for transaction processing.

Uchit introduced the communications center and collaborative tools for individuals, professionals, and business entity which is not possible with the existing tools. Development solution is Uchit end-to-end to:
  • The use of such private communication with friends and family.
  • Professional use such as collaboration for programmers, musicians, artists.
  • Professional use such as communications between Investors, projects, freelancers.
  • The use of companies for corporate.
  • The website site like to have community features on the site to their own website. (We'll provide API).
  • and there will be many more other features.


You need text/voice/video chat and file sharing, programming collaboration tools, team based tools, webinars etc.

Make targeted connections, find people, make a team.

Here at Uchit, we got all tools for you.
  • You want to build a project and need people to help you out OR want to hire professionals for your project
  • Now you want to collaborate with your team.
  • You want to host a Webinar/ Business Meeting
  • You want to just chat and share files with your friends and family.
  • You want to add community features in your own website. (We will provide APIs)
Who is behind Uchit.?

CRASS Infotech, one of the leading Video Game Publisher in South Asia is working hard to make this platform. Uchit token (UCHT) is ERC20-the standard used for the movement of resources on the network. Users can obtain the token UCHT by using the core features of the platform Uchit.

P2P Network Uchit

The basics-the first Peer connected to do the first application namely communication (text chat/voice chat/video chat). After a series of connected peers and can communicate, they can easily Collaborate (share files using folder project programming and editor or ayar share the same). such as:
A new way to Use communication.
A brief Review for token Uchit.


We don't reinvest the same platform in technology Blockchain, but also solve many problems, such as a few examples below:
  • Find like-minded people for your project.
  • Form a team.
  • Hiring A Team/Professional.
  • Work online as a team with people abroad.
  • Get the best results from your time working online.
  • Synchronization when working online.
  • Need a template or an asset.
  • Communication – many platforms, but it does have one or another feature for professionals.
  • Collaboration-we need tools for our industry standards.

Use Cases.

Decentralization as a core component of communication and collaboration.
Uchit will bring you daily communications to the global free market and allow users to find people, text chat, voice chat, video chat, file sharing, screen sharing, meeting host, host webinars. This is an idea that makes Uchit acted in early 2016.
The communications industry has long been a victim of the shutdown, the Government's intervention, and strict regulations stemming from decentralization.

By removing the central server and allows a node on a network to communicate directly without interference from outside, Uchit aims to revolutionize the way the world thinks about communication. Disrupting this market is worth billions of dollars. In the long run, Uchit aims to be the leading file-sharing platforms for users around the world. like the image below:

Uchit Tokens

Uchit (UCHT) tokens are the core of Uchit’s incentivization protocol. Users can “spend” UCHT in exchange for hiring people to get into teams, requesting communication with people, requesting files from people, buying templates from Teams (freelancing) – like a marketplace for new projects, etc. To accumulate UCHT, users can sell templates and assets, respond to communication/team joining requests, etc with the network (seeding) and be
rewarded with UCHT each time they communicate or Collaborate. UCHT can also be acquired on numerous cryptocurrency exchanges on the web, and will be directly exchangeable for Ethereum.
  • Token: UCHT
  • Price : 1 ETH = 4500 UCHT
  • Accepting: ETH
  • Minimum investment :0.01 ETH
  • Soft cap: 5,000,000 USD
  • Hard cap: 50,000,000 USD
  • ICO Period – 1st May 2018 to 31st May 2018
  • Number of Stages – 3
  • Stage 1 – Expression of Interest , 50% Bonus
  • Stage 2 – Pre ICO , 20% Bonus
  • Stage 3 – Public Sale , 5 % Bonus
  • Total Supply – 712,350,000

Token Distribution
  • For Community – 65 %
  • Reserve fund – 8 %
  • Founders and project team – 10 %
  • Advisory Board – 8 %
  • Partners of the project – 6 %
  • Promotion – 2%
  • Bounty Campaign – 1 %


Author : Ghaniindependen
My Profile Btt :

My ETH wallet :

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